The Hunger Attack

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Rainbow woke up to the sound of her stomach rumbling. She had the craving for pancakes, eggs ,hay bacon, and some orange juice.

She popped out of bed waking up Tank, her pet tortoise. He slowly smiled at we then slowly went back to sleep. Rainbow patted his head then walked towards the kitchen. She started to make herself breakfast.

After about an hour she made 48 pancakes, 10 batches of scrambled eggs, and 56 pieces of hay bacon. She put about half of each on a large platter then left the rest for her roommate. She poured herself about a half a gallon of orange juice In a jug and placed it beside her platter. He grabbed 50 paper towels because she had a feeling this would get messy especially since she had four bottles of Mrs.Butterworth's® syrup.

Before the pegasus could did in Luna came in the kitchen with her hair looking like crap. "Rainbow? What in the name of the moon are you eating?" She said looking concerned about her friend. "Breakfast." Dash said looking down at her plate. "You call this breakfast? This looks like Celestia trying to go on a no cake diet!" Luna complained. "I'm having a what I like to call my 'Hunger Attack' so this is normal." The pegasus said stabbing her fork into the large stack of pancakes. "And who long does this 'Hunger Attack' last?" "Only a day." "Oh, alright."

Luna started to make her own plate but only getting a little bit if the large selection. She sat across from her friend who was literally stuffing her face with syrup cover pancakes and hay bacon. Luna eat somewhat lady like, still using her manners but devouring the pancakes like Rainbow was.


Twilight was looking at the list of Rainbow's family member's addresses that Celestia had given to her. She told her friends was going to invite them to throw a surprise get well party for Rainbow. But really she was going to figure out who was loyal enough and got along with the gang to replace Rainbow. She had Pinkie and Fluttershy help her with the invitations. "I am getting super duper hungylicious! Can we please get a veggie lover pizza?!? PLEASE!" Pinkie wined. "Ya I was getting hungry to, I just didn't want to interrupt you..." Fluttershy practically whispered. Twilight would have said 'No we need to keep working' if it wasn't for her stomach rumbling. She looked at the clock, in was lunch time. "Fine we can get some, but I'm gonna pick it up why you keep working." Twilight said before walking out the library not giving the other a choice.

Ding a ling a ling. The bell above the door the the pizza parlor rang as Twilight opened it. She saw a familiar multicolored maned pegasus waiting for her order. She waved at Twilight. Twilight waved back then order. "Hello Princess Twilight, what would you like today?" The clerk said. "Please just call me Twilight, and two large veggie lover's pizza." "Ok it will be right out, Twilight." the clerk smiled. Twilight rolled her eyes then sat with her friend. "Hay Rainbow what's up?" "Luna and I got hungry back at my house so I'm grabbing some pizza." Rainbow said putting her hind hooves on the table. Twilight looked at her then her hooves then back at her. Dash caught Twilight's drift then put her hooves back down. Twilight then smiled at the pegasus. "RAINBOW SHASH YOUR ORDER ISH READY!" One of the clerks said. Rainbow popped out if her seat and walked to the counter. "Ok Sally, I know you have a speech problem but it's Dash, not Sash, not Splash and definitely not Shash." Dash said to the clerk. Her name was Sally Spits-a-lot. "Oh, shorry shashie, I didn't mean to upshet you." She said sending lots of droplets of spit at Rainbow's face. Dash wiped the spit off her face and grabbed her pizza. Twilight counted 44 boxes of large pizzas. Rainbow placed the boxes on her back and started to wobble to the door causing everypony to stare at her. One she was gone Twilight said, "Just another Hunger Attack for Rainbow." "PRINCESHSH TWILIGHT SHPARKLE! YOUR ORDER ISH READY!" Sally yelled.


Author's Note

Oh Shally you shure do shpit a lot. LOL! If you liked Sally and her speech issue please vote comment and be Happy!


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