The Plan

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"My parents don't have to know. Yea, that's right." Luna frowned, "What do you mean you're parents don't have to know?" "Exactly that." "But what I they visit you and find out?" "They won't visit because I'll say you're staying with me." Luna placed her hoof in her chin, "I guess you do have a point, but I still thing you should tell them." Dash placed her hooves on Luna's cheeks and squished them together and pulled Luna towards her. "Don't you understand? If my dad finds out hell kill Billy and the foal will never meet his or her father." Luna tried releasing herself but the attempt failed. "Your father does show violence and is highly over protective. Plus if this works I can be an aunt!" Luna then pushed Dash off of her and starred out the window. "Yes, I could be Auntie Luna, the fun aunt. And I shall take it to fun places such as the amusement parks, and the pools of swimming! Yes, that sounds about right."

Rainbow Dash cocked an eyebrow. "Alright so are we on the same page or what?" Luna turned to Dash, her eyes gleamed with excitement. "Oh, alright I shall go with this evil deed."

The doctor opened the door again "I forgot to tell you, you can go home now. But someone has to stay with you for a while." "I shall do it Doctor. I will watch over her." He nodded then left leaving the door open.

In Cantorlot~

"We came as fast as we could, princess what is it?" Twilight and her four out of five friends burst threw the doors to the throne room. They breathed heavily from rushing to the castle in such sort notice. Fluttershy had almost given up when the small herd made it to the train station, because he was flying instead of galloping. "Girls we need to talk about Rainbow I-" "Oh Princess Celestia, is that what you wanted to talk about? Well in that case Dashie is doing great and-" Pinkie's tail twitched. "Princess do you mind moving your head a smigimeter to the left?" "Why is something wr-" before the goddess of the sun could finish a piece of the ceiling fell on her. "Well, I tried to warn ya!" "Pinkie! That was rude." Twilight scolded. "I'm just saying that I tried to warn her I'd she moved like I said that wouldn't have happened Twilight. You don't have to be a big mean meanie pants." Twilight mumbled something under her breath then turned to Celestia. "I'm sorry Princess Celestia." she bowed. "Twilight I am not the one that needs a apology." She pointed to Pinkie who was looking at the stained windows.

After Twilight apologized Pinkie wouldn't accept it. Celestia made her by using her magic to insert the action in her brain. Pinkie did it but she didn't want to.

"So princess why we here to talk about Rainbow when y'all can go an' be talkin' to her?" Celestia gently brushed the celing parts of her head and said, "Because if this misfortune hurts Rainbow in any life threatening ways I'm afraid he will not be able to handle her Element of Harmony." "So what is y'all suggesting, princess? Ain't nothing gonna stop Rainbow Dash from using her element." Applejack started to get frustrating at the princess. "I know but just in case, I need you to secretly find a replacement just in case." The group gasped at the fact of replacing her. "Um...your highness, I um...think I'm speaking for...well all of us when I say; We can't replace Dashie she's are best friend, her smart comments make us laugh, and sometimes frown. But we just can't replace her just like that!" Everyone but Twilight nodded. "I absolutely understand Princess Celestia, but I absolutely can not replace Rainbow, and I shall not! Replacing your friends like that is highly unladylike and I prefer not to stoop down to that level." Rarity stomped a hoof. "I ain't gonna jus' do such things to Rainbow even if this was a direct order from ya, I still ain't gonna do it. I'm sorry, but I'm being honest with ya princess I can't replace her!" The four walked out the room Rarity's snout was in the air and Pinkie frowned while bouncing.

"Twilight is y'all comin'" "In a second!" She yelled back then turn to Celestia, "I understand this madder more than they do Celestia, and I will do it in secret." Twilight said before leaving. "You have made a wise choice." Celestia said before the door to the throne room closed,"If only yiur friends understood like you."

"So did you give her a piece of your mind?' Fluttershy asked. "Plenty..." Twilight lied to her friends. "But let this stay a secret, so Dash won't flip." They all agreed and started their journey back home.

A scroll appeared out of thin air.

Dear Sister,

I am going to stay with Rainbow Dash to watch over her. But there is no need to takeover my duties. I shall come back when she feels better.




Author's Note

I shall give thou no cliff hanger cuz it fun so bye


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