Dinner at Dash's

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"Rainbow can you please put the book down? It's time for dinner." Luna never thought she would have to say that to Rainbow Danger Dash, but ever since the pegasus found out about Luna's 'stash' of Warriors books shed been obsessed. "Okay Luna, let me just finish this page..."

The rainbow maned pegasus then put her bookmark in the book and closed it. She sat at the table as Luna placed a plate in front of her then in front of the seat across from Rainbow Dash where Luna sat. "What did you make, your highness?" Dash teased. "Nothing but a simple salad. I am feeling a little under the weather today." Luna stated as she started to eat. "You better not have no Ebola." Dash said looking at her roommate with an serious expression. Luna had never seen Rainbow Dash with such seriousness. "Please use proper grammar, and I do not have the Ebola virus. It happened many years ago." "You don't read the papers do you?" Dash said looking at Luna quite confused. "I do not. Why?" "Because some genius came to Equestria with the freaking Ebola virus and didn't tell anyone!" Rainbow said looking angry at her food before she stuffed her muzzle with the plants that was on her plate.

$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$Author's Note

Sorry for the short chapter it's like 2:30 am and I'm hungry and tired and I'm running out of ideas...so give me some if you want this continue. :) I am technically forcing you to give you ideas.


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