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Rainbow smiled as she greeted her family members . She hugged her uncles, aunts, cousins, & her grandparents. Luna on the other hand smiled and talked to everyone who had bowed at her but she still felt like she couldn't trust Twilight. She felt like Twilight was on to something. Luna was talking to a pair of Rainbow's grandparents, Rainbow Streak's parents, who were very fond of Luna. "I remember back in our day Luna, when were just as old as you we used to prank all the ponies in Cloudsdale.." Rainbow's Grandmother said, causing Luna to burst out with laughter. "Now what is so funny?" Grandma Rainbow Hair asked with a frown on her face. "Well you were never older than me, I am over a thousand years old." Luna chucked at the elderly couple. "Oh, that's right, you are Celestia's little sister..." Rainbow Hair said before she mumbled something under her breath.

In the background Luna heard a big thud and some gasp. "Excuse me for one moment..." Luna said before galloping of towards the noise. When Luna made it into the large red barn where the party was held. As Luna got closer she heard painful groans. "Rainbow! Speak to me! Did you eat to many cupcake? Are you to fat to survive?" Pinkie ranted. Luna looked at Rainbow Dash who was laying on the floor groaning, "Luna...foal...coming..." She said in between pants. Luna gasped and slowly put Rainbow on her back, "I shall me you all at the Ponyville Hospital!" Luna yelled before teleporting off with Rainbow leaving everyone confused.

Rainbow woke up with pain flowing in her lower areas. Nothing hurt more than this pain she was feeling right now. "ER MAH GAWD THE BABY IS COMING!" Rainbow's little cousin, Aurora, screams. "Shush!" Her mother, Embroidery, scolded. "Okay I need everyone out except for Luna." Nurse Red Heart said guiding ponies out of the rooms. "What's happening Luna?" Rainbow questioned. "The foal is finally coming!" Luna exclaimed clapping her hooves together. Rainbow let out a loud groan of pain. "SWEET MOTHER OF LUNA THIS HURTS!!" Rainbow yelled aloud causing Luna to cock an eyebrow upwards. "Sorry..." Rainbow said. Then the door burst open and Billy galloped through it. "What are you doing here?" Rainbow complained. "I was trying to make it to my foal's birth obviously I barley missed anything." Billy said smiling as he trotted up to Dash. Rainbow let out a small growl but Luna wouldn't have it, "Be quiet Rainbow Dash! He just trying to be a good father." Before Rainbow could protest another flow of pain flew by. "Oh, gosh..."

Luna DashWhere stories live. Discover now