Chapter Eight

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Chapter VII



    Rosella followed Jewel down the dark stairway. As they descended towards the lower decks of the ship, Rosella almost regretted going there. Before they even made it towards the bottom step, they heard a loud crash and an angry yell. Rosella stopped mid-step in fear of what was below them. She looked at the back of Jewel’s head and heard her take in a deep breath. Jewel continued.

    Rosella looked back up at Eddie, who had a weird look on his face. He reached down and squeezed her hand. That made her feel a little bit better. She turned her head forwards to make sure she knew where she was going. Step after step, they continued to descend. The stairwell was starting to light up, and Rosella could finally see where she was placing her feet.

    Jewel hit the main floor with her bare feet and entered the light.

    “Hello.” She said warily as she eased one step forward. She took another step, when something flew past her face and crashed in the wall. She backed into the stairwell. Rosella yelped. Eddie took out his spear. Jewel eyed Eddie and motioned for him to put it away. He did as he was told and placed it back in his backpack, where it turned to dust and disappeared. Jewel carefully looked out again. When the coast was clear, she motioned for the other two to follow.

    Rosella poked her head into the light. There was a clutter of scrolls, books, papers, tools, wires, electronics, lamps, pencils, pictures, machinery, metals, blueprints, and gods know what else all over the floors, desks, chairs, and bookshelves. Not to mention that there were broken items scattered all over the place. Rosella thought that Jewel’s room was a mess. This place beat that record by a longshot! Rosella followed Jewel into the room. How could this guy fit so much stuff on one little boat? The place seemed enormous! It must have been one of those things where you could compact something big into something small, like Chiron and his wheelchair.

    “Hello?” Jewel asked again. There was a clutter, a bang, and two hind legs poking out from behind a desk. Then the legs disappeared, and a head popped out. The head belonged to a boy who looked a little older than Eddie, with slicked-back auburn hair, sharp amber eyes, and a chiseled chin. The guy wore a blue tunic, black gloves, black pants, black converse. One of his arms was replaced with a mechanical one. It had many buttons and moving parts that made Rosella question how it functioned. A silver necklace with a red pirates skull was hanging down his neck.

    The guy took one look at Jewel, and sneered. He jumped on his desk, grabbed the nearest desk lamp and aimed it at her.

    “You again! What do you want!” He yelled at her. All the while, he shook the lamp back and forth. The lightbulb was hanging on it by a single wire, so while he swung, it swung.


    “Shut up! I don’t care what you want! Get out of my shop!” He threw the desk lamp. Everyone ducked as another item of this shop owner crashed against the wall. As Rosella’s face hovered inches away from the ground, the only thing she could think of was: This guy is nuts!

    The three on the floor slowly made their way up to their feet. The guy was completely oblivious to them. He was searching in a pile of tools for something. He threw hammers, nail guns, screwdrivers and staplers everywhere as he searched. The gang had to crouch down again so they wouldn’t get hit.

    “Now where is that pesky screwdriver. I was sure I had left it right here.” The guy muttered to himself. Rosella looked down below her foot. There was a screwdriver right near her toes. Rosella formed a plan in her head. Obviously the shopkeeper was violent only when he saw Jewel, but that wouldn’t mean he would act the same way towards her. She took the screwdriver in her hand and stood up. She made her eyes look big, her expression innocent, and her lips into a smile.

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