Chapter One

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       What was supposed to be the perfect day turned out to be a perfect disaster, right from the start. Rosella had planned out the day with Eddie, her dreamy boyfriend that she had been dating for over a year. The two of them were going to have a picnic by the strawberry fields, one of Rosella’s favorite spots in all of Camp Half Blood. Then at night, they were going to watch the stars, another one of Rosella’s favorite activities with her boyfriend. On nights like that, they would roll out the gold blanket, and lay down on top of it. Then Rosella would lay down right next to Eddie. He would wrap his arm around her shoulders and she would curl up against his chest. They would talk for hours and hours, until Rosella would start to fall asleep, and then Eddie would have to help Rosella walk back to her cabin in camp.

    She loved it when they planned dates like that. Rosella got so excited for the upcoming night. She went to bed the night before just thinking about the two of them again, heck, thats what was on her mind most of the time anyway. But then she fell asleep. And when she did, she was terrified.

    That night, she had horrific dreams about her half-sister Annabeth. Annabeth was always more than a half-sister to Rosella. She had always felt close to Annabeth, because Annabeth had always looked out for her, and shared her wisdom with Rosella. Annabeth made Rosella feel like she wasn’t an outsider (Eddie had the same effect, but sometimes its nice to have someone female think you are not a freak). So when Rosella began having dreams about Annabeth, she felt really freaked out.

    The dreams actually started a while ago, when Rosella watched her sister and three of her friends leave on some floating ship. Rosella didn’t really know the other three as well as she knew Annabeth, but she did know that when they left, she missed them like crazy. As soon as the ship floated away into the clouds, Rosella wasn’t the same. That night, she had a brief dream of her sister calling out. Then, later in the week, she had the same dream, only more vivid. Annabeth was falling and crying. Rosella woke up that night in a cold sweat. Then the night before her perfect date with Eddie, Rosella had the same dream.

    This time, Rosella dreamed that she was on the edge of a black chasm. Annabeth was there, and so was Percy, Annabeth’s boyfriend. There was someone else too, but she couldn’t see the face. Then, Annabeth fell backwards. She flew into the chasm, and into the inky blackness. Then when you could no longer see Annabeth, the mark of Athena burned in the chasm. Rosella woke up with a start, and saw her brethren all around her, snoring in their bunks.

    Rosella got up and went to the breakfast hall. That was where she encountered Drew, a daughter of Aphrodite. Drew used to be the head of the Aphrodite cabin, until Rosella’s friend Piper took over. Without Piper standing next to her, Rosella felt vulnerable around Drew. It wasn’t because of Drew’s charmspeak, because that did not affect Rosella for some strange reason. Maybe it was because Drew tormented Rosella whenever she got the chance. But Piper was usually there to stand up to Drew. Now that Piper wasn’t there, Rosella was at the mercy of Drew.

The entire time she was there, Rosella had to grit her teeth while she listened to Drew make fun of her, saying she was not a true demigod (as usual). Worst of all, she had to put up with Drew’s constant  gushing over Eddie. It bugged Rosella whenever Drew mentioned Eddie around her. The way Drew even talked about him, it wanted Rosella to drink boiling tar. But then again, Drew talked that way about every boy that came into camp.

Rosella rushed through her breakfast, which didn’t take long, because she was not really hungry, and then left as soon as she could. Rosella decided she needed to get her mind off of it. So she grabbed her bow and shot arrows for an hour straight. The whole time, she missed the target, which never happened. It was just another thing to go wrong that day.

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