Chapter Four

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    Eddie didn’t know which freaked him out more: the fact that there were such things as tri-gods, or the fact that the girl from his dreams was real, and he was in her room.

    Eddie did have to thank the tri-gods for rescuing him and Rosella, but  their leader really creeped him out. From her purple hair, battle armor, and constant threats to kick Eddie in a place where he did not want to be kicked, he felt really intimidated by Esmeralda. Not to mention the fact that she was keeping them in her camp for gods know how long. The more Eddie thought about it, the whole concept of tri-gods and them having a secret camp scarred him too. Eddie had heard about a lot of weird things ever since he found out he was a demigod, but for some strange reason, tri-gods were not taught in Greek Mythical Creatures 101. The whole idea was a new concept to him, and he wasn’t sure he liked it.

    But the girl from his nightmares turning out to be a tri-god made the situation even worse. Eddie was freaked out by her already, but Eddie got to add: “I’m a tri-god” to the list of reasons why to steer clear of her, or to not. Eddie wasn’t sure how to react to Jewel. His feelings towards her were so conflicted now that he met her in person. Dream Jewel and Real Jewel were like two complete different people.

    Dream Jewel seemed scared, timid, and sad. She didn’t even know her own name, and was relying on Eddie to solve her problems. Dream Jewel acted like a very confused child. Not to mention she was wearing army fatigues, and her hair was a mess. But real life Jewel was not that way. First off, she seemed like she needed no one’s help. She verbally abused three cyclopes, and didn’t even seem to show fear. Second, she acted like one of the most confident, friendly, happy-go-lucky surfer girl Eddie had ever met. She seemed like she had a pretty good idea of who she was, and if you questioned it, she’d probably spear you with her trident. Real Jewel also seemed more like she took care of herself (but not her room) than Dream Jewel. The varying Jewels were making Eddie’s head spin. He was starting to look into the situation more than he really needed to.

    Another thing that Eddie was starting to over think about was his girlfriend. Sure, she still wasn’t telling him anything, but then again, they haven’t really had any time to talk. Rosella was also shooting him daggers for some strange reason. Eddie remembered how after they sat on their hammocks, Eddie asked Jewel a few questions, just to make sure she really didn’t need his help, and so he could get more information on her. Then as soon as he looked back at Rosella, she was giving him that look.  One of those looks guys get if they’re checking out some other girl’s butt. It was one of those looks, and Eddie did not know what he said or did to get it. But one thing was clear: Rosella did not want him talking to Jewel for some strange reason. So he kept his mouth shut after that.

    Even after the lights went out, Eddie did not want to go to sleep. One reason why was because one of the mermaid paintings on the wall was staring at him. Another reason was because he did not want any more nightmares. They always left him shaky and out of breath. So Eddie crossed his arms against his chest, and stared at the ceiling. The reflection of the water from outside was leaking in, and was shimmering on the walls, and on the ceiling. No wonder Jewel liked this room. She must have felt right at home here.

    Eddie then started to wonder what it would have been like living at this camp instead of Camp Half-Blood. Those thoughts did not go far, since Eddie knew nothing about this place.

    Eddie rolled over in his hammock and saw Rosella on the other side of the room. She was fast asleep. Eddie wished he could wake her up so he could talk to her. He thought he could really use her advice right about now, and this might be the only chance they got. The only problem was that now Eddie felt guilty about waking her up. Not only was he interrupting her dreams, but the last time he woke her up, she got bombarded by cyclopes.

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