Chapter 17

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Laura woke up by her phone buzzing. She groaned and looked at the clock by her side, it was 9 am. She picked up her phone and saw there was a text, she sat on her bed and read it.

"Good morning guys! It's Heath! I forgot to tell you when you guys will come back from Australia! You are coming back next Wednesday morning, you have one week left! And I also wanted to tell you that today you have an interview at 12 p.m! Bye bye!"

Laura rubbed her eyes and got up, walking straight to the bathroom to take a shower. She thought about her fight with Ross. It was really cute the fact that he cared so much, but he cared too much. She smiled at the thought of him.

She got out of the shower and got dressed into a floral dress and pink high heels, her hair was natural with a white bow hair in it. She did a light make up, just eyeliner and mascara.

She looked at the clock and it was 9:43, so she grabbed her phone, her room card and Ross' room card (A/N: I FORGOT TO SAY THAT SHE HAS HIS ROOM CARD AND HE HAS HERS, LOL SORRY  ) and exited her room.

Laura was now in front of Ross room knocking on his door, but he didn't answer, he was probably still sleeping. She uses the room card he gave her of his room and entered it.

He was still sleeping, she did a weird dance because she was right. But she heard him mumble something in his eep so she stopped abd tried to understand what he said. When she realized she smiled and blushed. He said "LaurLaur, you are so beautiful".

She laughed because he was talking in his sleep and smiled because he was dreamig of her. She needed to wake him up because of the interview, which he probably didn't know about. Laura knelt by his side on the floor and started to shake him.

"Ross" She said softly. He groaned.

"Laura" Ross groaned tiredly. She looked at him and smiled waving.

"Can I sleep some more?" He asked softly. She laughed.

"No boy, Heath texted saying we have an interview at 12 p.m and he also said that we are going back home on the next Wednesday morning" She answered grabbing his hand. Ross nodded and blushed at the touch. Then he sat on the bed rubbing his eyes.

"Are you still mad at me?" He asked cutely. She didn't answer, she just crossed her arms and looked away.

"Sorry Laura, I am just jealous" He sighed and looked down. She couldn't stay mad at him forever...

"Okay, but promise me you will not get jealous of Luke anymore" She said. He sighed and looked up.

"I can't promise Laura"

"Just try" She said. It was silent so she changed the subject.

"Soo, I'm beautiful uh?" Laura said in a flirtatiously tone winking, which made him laugh.

"Why are you saying that?" Ross asked.

"Oh, you said that in your sleep, you were like 'LaurLaur, you are so beautiful'" She said laughing. He blushed and looked away.

"Well, I wasn't lying" He said blushing. What he said made her blush and laugh.

"Yeah, go take a shower, I'll be here" She changed the subject.

"Okay, bye" He said getting up, grabbing black ripped jeans, a black v-neck shirt and a black converse before going to the bathroom.

Laura laid on his bed and instantly she smelled his perfect odour. She grabbed his phone and saw te text Heath send them, and then she decided to play with his phone.

Ross hated when people used his phone, but he didn't mind if Laura was the person using it. He trusted her, and he liked when she played with his phone, it looked like they were a couple somehow.

Ross got out of the bathroom minutes later already dressed. He saw Laura playing with his phone and knelt beside her, watching her play flappy bird.

"GO LAURA, GO LAURA, GO LAURA" He kept yelling, which made her loose.

"ROSS! YOU IDIOT! I LOST THE GAME BECAUSE OF YOU!" She yelled at him, but he knew she was kidding, so he laughed.

"Sorry" He pouted. She frowned and crossed her arms.

"I'll never forgive you" She said in a baby voice, which he found really cute.

"Aww! You are so cute" He said pinching her cheeks, she laughed.

"Whatever" She said looking away.

"Can you do my hair, please?" He asked her again, she sighed and rolled her eyes.

"Am I always going to do your hair, little baby?" She asked laughing because he couldn't do his own hair.

"Yes, mom" He said smiling weirdly.

Laura started to do his hair, and again he shivered. He really liked when she did that. She was paying attention on his hair and he was smiling at her. She looked down and smiled at him, which gave him butterflies.

"Done" Laura said grabbing her phone and the room cards and looking at the clock. It was 10:50 a.m, so they could have breakfast. "Let's eat something"

"Okay" Ross said smiling and grabbing his room card and phone and following Laura out the room


Hey guys! Have you guys listened to the new EP? OH MY GOSH I ALMOST KILLED MYSELF, IT WAS SO PERFECT! My favorite song was easy love, what's your favorite song?

And thank you so much for reading my fanfic, it really means a lot ♥

Stay Rossome, my loves ♥♥♥♥

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