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Cartman was complaning about something as usual to kenny and i just stayed there calmly reading my book until something in their conversation raised my attention

"And all this crap about the war that happend dosent have anything to do with magic! i dont even know why im studying it!" eric complained
(Mhmhm! mhm mm MHMmhmm) kenny muffled wich ment:"dude bilions of people died trying to protect YOU at least have a little respect"

"I was a little baby who shat in their dipers at the time it was not my fault, but why does that have anything with my magic studies?!"eric continue to complain
(Mhmmhmm?) "I dont have magic how do you think i know?"

"You can guess kinny"

Oh and i forgot to mention, cartman is a shithead when it comes to names, he knows our names,hes just moking us
But the war thing got me curious...
"What was that thing? the war??"i ask as i close my book looking at them

"Well khal.."
Here we go again
"Aperantly there was a war betwen the elf jews or whatever and the cool guys, the humans
Since since i was an young prince fetus they wanted to kill me or something
but we ended up killing their king and prince
Hehehe they lost their king assholes"


"And what have they done to us?"

(Mhmmhmm)"the hole deal with the stick"

"Ah...i guess it makes sence?"

I smell bullshit
Or horse shit,he where close to the stables so-
Okay jokes aside-
Something about erics story semmed like bullcrap but since he was a kid he probably also dosent know it very well
The elfs always fascinated me
Their like humans but with magic,thats the only thing i know about them, oh and that their powers are based on earth and nature but even wizards could do that if they wanted i was
pretty neat
but their enimie
so i cant find them neat
Cuz they suck


(Hmm?mhmmm)"you okay kyle? you've been staring into the nothing for a while" said kenny snaping her fingers in front of my face
I snap out of my thoughts
"Oh shit sorry,just thinking"

"Dude that was kinda creepy for a bit" said eric, he was in front of me "i was worried that you where checking me out of something ,fag"
"Oh shut up"
I do got to admit that was pretty gay tho
(Mhmhmm?)"hey whats wrong with being a fag?"
"Oh nothing,just that i dont like fags looking at my ass" said cartman rolling his eyes
"What ass? the only ass i see is a big stupid fatass in front of me"
Kenny laughed a bit at my joke
"Very clever asshole"
Eric obviously knew i was joking
We would sometimes just cuss and say shit about eachother just for the fun of it
But sometimes cartman dosent get it and we start actually arrguing

The elf (south park the stick of truth style/kyman)[DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now