I have to run

339 13 1

Kenny whent away, and kyle did too, going home
God damn it what has he going to do now? Follow his heart and posibly get his heart broken once again, or listen to kenny and forget all about it
He was laying in his bed when he heard a knock at his door
"Dear, someone left a letter for you"
"Slide it under the door"
"Yes, are you okay?"
"Just tired ma"
~Kyle's pov~
I go up to the door bending down and grabbing the envelope it was really fancy with all the satisfying hand writing
I carfully open it sitting on the floor near my door

(Me: kyle is so gay, i made him sit on the floor so many damn times, also im writing this, while sitting on the floor, not like you care BACK TO THE D R A M A)

I unfold the letter and start reading it
"Hi kyle, its kenneth
I need to talk to you about a very important matter, meet me tomorow morning at the fountain in the middle of the village, i'll be waiting for you there"
Well fuck, what does he want now?
If this wasent overwhelming enough....
Should i really go? I was thinking of just staying in bed all day
Eh got nothing else better to do, and it seems important

I lay back on my bed,well that was the plan but i ended up only getting 4 hours of sleep

Fuck....eh i've done worst
Alright now time to find out what this mystery is all about...
I get up and get dressed, my mom is still asleep by now
So i leave a note on the counter of the kitchen saying that i will be gone for a bit.
Hope i wont take too long...
I head out, locking the door as a leave starting to walk a bit to the place the note said to meet up
Weird... the town if completly empty
Normally it would be busy by now...
I wont think much about it
I go to the place and kenny was there like he said he would, at least its not a trap of some sort (YETT)

"Hey kyle..."
"Hi, so what did you wanted to talk to me about?"
"Its cartman...he told me to say this to you..."
"Why are you talking like that?"
"He told everyone kyle...he said you were really dumb to think he will ever love you...they are going to murder you, you need to run away, and quick"

Before i could say anything i heard people comming his way, screaming and arguing
Kennys right
I needs to get the fuck out of there before i get murdered

"Quick, to the forest!"
Right the humans are scared of the forest because elfs use to roam around there

So i start running, so do the others all behind me, trowing spears and arrows at me
I try to do dodge the best i can but as soon as i enter the deep forest
I get shot


The elf (south park the stick of truth style/kyman)[DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now