Play fight

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We where all  bored... the topics of conversation started to get awkard so we just stopped talking and just stood there

(Mhmmhmmnnn mmhmm?)"what if we train fighting? With wooden swords? I think im getting pretty good at it"said kenny proudly
"Kool, and i can train my magic!"
"Hey thats unfair! Me and kenny dont have magic, lets figh the old fashion ways, i'll go get the swords" i said standing up and i whent to get them comming over with 2 of thoes

"I only found 2, dont worry i can just watch, i dont really know how to fighy anyways" i sit down and gave the swords to them

Kenny grabed the sword pointing to eric
(Mhmm mmhm?)"are you ready my prince?"

"Lets go kinny"
"START!" I say and kenny swinged her sword
Eric put his on its way attacking back but kenny was stronger
"Kinny! Slow down asshole"
(Mhmmhmm!) "Thats not how fighting works"
Kenny was able to knock him down to the floor pointing her sword at him
( mhm) "i win"
"Bitch" said eric under his breath
"Rematch!"  (Mhm mhmmm?)"do you really like to get your ass kicked?"
He got up grabing his sword from the ground getting ready to fight again

Multible asskickings later

The fatass was tired from all the fighting and kenny was just proud of herself
"Shit"he said "you know what?" Huh?
He whent near me and wisperd on my ear
"Khal i need your help to defeat that royal bitch"
"Dude the princess is really good at fighting! I cant beat her"
"Pllleeeaaassseeee for meee"
Why was he cute?
"F-fine, but you owe me one"
"Okay okay"

I got up grabing erics sword as he sits down in my place, i look at kenny and notice her glare at me
Im fucked

I get ready to fight

"START!bitches!" Said cartman

Kenny attacked me stonger then i've ever seen her fight, i manage to keep my balace and to dodge her and attack back but she blocked me almos trowing me to the ground, this whent on for a bit until she mannaged to kick me to the ground
(Mhm! mhmm!) "Haha! Give up!"

I look at eric and hes still rooting for me
Im not giving up!
I feel something weird in my hands, i look down at them and notice that there...are vines growing from my hands to the ground
I look at kenny and shes up in the air bieng lifted by gigant vines comming from the same place my hands where
Was i doing this?!

"Holy shit khal! That was so cool! You never told us you had magic!"


The elf (south park the stick of truth style/kyman)[DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now