Chapter 7

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I was talking with a woman I couldn't identify. She was oddly comforting to speak to. By the way, she laughed, smiled and talked to me, I knew I've seen her from somewhere; I just don't know where. 

I can't hear a word she says yet I know exactly what she's saying. How she would sound.

She smiles and I was dragged out of the abyss of darkness.

My eyes snapped wide open. My breathing was harsh and rapid. I observe my surroundings. A room with gold and black decor. The wardrobe had a mirror with golden rims and the dresser was black with a golden crest above it.

The room was beautiful but, foreign to me. I sit up from the comfort of the bed and stand to explore the room.

I walk over to the dresser and opened the top drawer. T-shirts in monochrome colors lay neatly folded.

In the second drawer were basketball shorts and joggers and the third one had underwear. I quickly closed the third one- blushing- and open the fourth one.

There, I found pictures of a young boy with messy black hair and ocean blue eyes.

 His smile was adorable as his chubby cheeks lifted. He stood by an older man and woman. 'His mother and father,'  I guessed. 

I realized the older man and woman. They were the previous King and Queen; Elder Tristan and Elder Nancy. They were just as strict and deadly as Mason.

Rumors spread that when they were rulers, they slew all of the rouges of their generation. So, that every pack wouldn't have to worry and start a new, non-threatened life.

 That means the little boy must be Mason. He looks happy with his mom and dad. A small smile reaches my face as I place the picture back in its original place and close the drawer. 

As I stand up straight, the door opens to reveal a young looking girl. She had short, light brown hair with hazel eyes. Her eyes went to the bed and then looked searched until she found me.

Our eyes met and in an instant, she lunged herself at me. 

I had enough time to shove her into the dresser, shatter the mirror above it. She groaned in pain as blood trickled down her head. I turned and ran out the door.

As I ran down the hallway, more people seemed to come up to see what the sound was. 

I shoved and ran passed them before a man stopped me, grabbing me by my shoulders. "By the grace of the moon, are you alright?" I struggled against the man as he tried to pull me closer.

In a panicking moment, I kicked him where no man would want to be kicked. His face turned red as he groaned in pain, clutching his crotch. 

'I'm sorry,' I thought to myself as I run into an abandoned room. 

Shutting and locking the door, I look around for a way out. The door begins to bang as people bark orders at each other. "GET THE ALPHA!" My eyes widened, 'I need to leave now.' 

Suddenly, the banging got louder, and the hinges pleaded in distress. Slivers of wood from the door began to fly off, and cracks in my only protection were visible.

A light breeze pushed through the window on the left side of the room; a balcony. I rush to the balcony only to stop in my tracks to notice how high the building was. It was easily 40 feet tall.

Crashing of the door made me look back to see the door hit the wall as pack members come inside the room.

A male spotted me on the balcony. His eyes widened.

"Wait here," he whispered to the people and he walked over to me.

I hopped onto the railing. "It's okay. We're not here to hurt you," he said calmly as can be. 

He slowly walked to me with his hand out, "There is no need for you to panic. Nothing is going to happen to you. Come down from there and we can get you to our Alpha."

 I made a move to jump.

"OR-or you can just stay right where you are. We can just talk here, where you're comfortable, and work out a negotiation. Just, come down from there so, we can talk, yes," he coaxed.

I stared at him tentatively. He seemed to be genuinely concerned about me. I brought myself down from the railing.

"That's it." His pearly whites shined as he gave me a relieved smile.

"Where is she," I heard in the room. A woman. 

She marched over to the man before I noticed, it was the girl from before. Her eyes met mine and she came at me again. But, this time she didn't reach me.

At that moment, I went onto the railing and the man tried to seize my arm. "DON'T!" But, it was too late.

I jumped.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2018 ⏰

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