Soon Enough (Chapter 11)

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Niall's POV


           I paced in my room, biting my lip nervously as I heard my phone erupt loudly with its shrill ring. "Hello...?" I answered, trying to keep my voice calm. "You have my girl." I heard the familiar Australian voice speak. "Luuuuke! My mate.." My voice faltered. I heard a throaty laugh on the other end of the line. "Niall. Where's my girl?" His voice contained a threatening edge, me ducking my head down in a cower. "I-I have no idea what you're talking about." I answered, trying to conquer my awful lying skills. "Oh, but I think you do." His voice was sickly sweet and I could literally just see him twirling his handgun in his fingers. "Remember last time? You brought the girl straight to me and you got your reward. It's time to do the same once again." I shut my eyes, processing what could and would happen if he ever found out our plan. "I give you... Six months. If you don't have my girl, and the rest of the money you owe me, by then, you know what happens. Goodbye, 'Nialler'" He spat the words, quickly hanging up. I shakily sat on my bed and thought on how I was going to pull this stunt off, completely unaware of what would happen.

                "Zayn." I barked, poking my head in his room. His head snapped up from his phone, him giving me a confused look. "I need to talk to you. Now please." I bit my lip and ran a hand through my hair, listening as the floor creaked as he stood and walked towards the door. "It's happening again." I breathed, Zayn's eyes widening. I could tell he was pained as I brought up the past, but he knew it was about business. "How can we save her..?" He asked, clearly living up to his sensitive self. "We can't." I snapped back, careful not to let anyone in on our conversation. "Just let her to them." Zayn avoided my eyes, his fixed on the ground. I bit my lip, "I was thinking about something a little more... Profiting." My eyes darkened with greed. "W-What do you mean..?" He hesitantly asked. "We starve them from what they want. Tell them to give us money for the girl." I couldn't help but grin at my idea. "We push their deadline." Zayn spoke, nodding slowly as he began to comprehend. "Yes. Exactly." I looked around the hallway, being careful as to not allow Adriane to hear. "Now what..?" Zayn asked nervously, his eyes meeting mine. My grin returned, "Now? We wait."

Adriane's POV


      I had a little free time, so I explored. The warehouse was honestly the biggest open house I've ever been in. The main floor had the kitchen, living room, and small gym was all on a concrete floor, and there weren't walls separating the entire space. The only walls up was the small bathroom located on one of the corners, just off of the gym. Thinking no one was around, I began snooping. I made my way to the kitchen, wondering what everyone was being so shady about. As soon as I opened one of the drawers, I heard a booming voice echo. "What are you doing?" I looked up to see Niall walking quickly towards me and I felt utter fear replace my curiosity. "J-Just looking around." I spoke quietly, Niall slowly letting his guard down. "Oh. Well do something productive like... Work out or- I dunno." He frowned, unsure of what to say. I took this as my chance, "Why am I here?" I asked him without a moments hesitation. I caught him off guard, him looking at me with surprise and suspicion swimming in his eyes. "You'll find out soon enough." He spoke stiffly, biting his lip and turning back around to walk back to the stairs. "How soon?" I squeaked, trailing him slowly. He whipped around, his hands seizing my arms. "Soon. Enough." He angrily answered, me trying my hardest not to cry. My body shook, me simply allowing him to hold me until he got bored or whenever he felt like letting go. He knew what I was doing, and I could literally feel him smirking. Before I knew it, I felt his lips brushed past my ear, hot breath following as he softly spoke. "So there is a brain inside that pretty little head of yours."


         As evening dawned, I felt myself dreading dinnertime. I seriously hate it, us all gathered together in the living room. I wasn't allowed to eat in my room and, honestly, it sucks eating with people who kidnapped me. "Lads!" I heard Niall yell to the upstairs. I was a bit confused by his excited tone but I didn't question, all four of the boys rushing downstairs. "Oh god." I heard Harry speak with a laugh, me now full on curious about what could make them so excited about dinner. "Adriane!" Niall called, me walking out of my room and down the wooden steps. A delicious waft of warm smelling air hit my nose and I felt my stomach growl. I refused to eat. Who knows? They could have poisoned it or something. "Nandos Night." I heard Niall purr, grabbing the take-out bag from a man in a suit. I gave the man a pained look, him not showing any sort of emotion as his eyes bore into mine. I avoided everyone's eyes as I made my way to the couch, sitting on the very edge. I felt a body press into mine as the couch dipped, Liam handing me a medium sized plate filled with delicious smelling food. Although I told my brain I didn't need the food, my stomach suggested otherwise. I couldn't help but dig my plastic fork in and savor every bite. I heard a soft chuckle, "Hungry?" Harry asked, sitting in the chair next to the the couch. I blushed and avoided eye contact, finishing quickly and shoving my plate onto the small coffee table located in the middle of the 'living room' area. I stood, "May I go?" I asked, barely audible. Five pairs of eyes snapped to me, my stomach flipping as an uncomfortable feeling began to settle. "No." Harry answered, biting his lip. "Stay here... Tell us a little bit about you. Let us in." I cringed, "No." I snapped, everyone's eyebrows raising at my sudden tone change. "If you don't stay, we'll force you." Niall spoke smoothly, crossing his arms as he set down his plate. Deciding it wasn't a good idea to challenge Niall, I sat back down, trying to keep my misery to myself.

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Ahaha I kinda feel bad for dropping such a big thing like that (✿◠‿◠)

Oh well.

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