The Past (Chapter 12)

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Niall's POV : (le past)


                "Niall?" Her soft voice called out, her footsteps echoing as she made her way towards my bed. I woke with a start as I felt my covers being drawn back slowly, utterly confused at her action. "C-Can I sleep with you..?" Before I could even think, I spat "Go sleep with Zayn." and turned over, feeling slightly guilty at my harsh tone. Really, she deserved it. After lying to me and calling me out on what I had done and was doing wrong, I was almost relieved knowing she wouldn't be here in less than a month. I'd just sell her to Luke and this would all be over with. As I heard a small wimper, I knew she had started to leave, the newly built floorboards creaking slightly as she swiftly made her way for my door. "Perrie." I spoke in a demeaning tone. "C'mere.." I changed my tone, making it warm, sweet, and inviting. I could feel her pause and start to turn back, relief washing over me. Yeah, I'm an arsehole, but I don't exactly feel good doing the things I do. As she walked over and slid into my bed, I slang my arms around her and felt myself falling back into the depths of sleep.

        I almost felt disappointed as I rolled over to see she wasn't there anymore, the spot still fairly warm when I felt for her lithe body. 'Still warm..? She must've just gotten up...' I thought to myself, desperately hoping she had just gone to the bathroom or gone downstairs to grab breakfast with the lads. I sat up and took in a sharp breath, jumping as I saw Perrie round the doorway, her platinum blonde hair tied up in a ponytail. "Where did you go?" I tried to demand, my voice still groggy and rough from sleep. "Bloody hell Niall. I went to eat." She sounded annoyed which caused me to smile. "Eh? Didn't feel like bringing me any?" My tone changed from teasing to serious, me looking away so I could avoid her piercing cambridge blue eyes. "Let me guess. Now you're off to Zayn's?" I rolled my eyes as she shifted uncomfortably and looked down, me finally looking back up just in time to see her look down the hallway and see her face light up. "Perrie!" Zayn purred, grabbing her and pulling her from out of my doorway, me unable to see what was going on. I heard a squeal and a giggle, my cheeks flushing with anger, disappointment, and sorrow.

        'Stop it Niall. Stop. She's just a tool. Something that helps me get what I want. She broke you and she'll pay. Ignore the bloody girl.' I scolded myself, sitting up and walking downstairs, ignoring the two having a heated make out session against the wall. Just as I began down the first step, I heard Zayn seductively murmur something that made my blood run cold. "He never loved you like this, did he?" I angrilly whipped around, "Excuse me?" I glared at the surprised faces that sprang apart, me marching right back towards the sick lovebirds. "Z-Zayn... Uh.." Perrie began, me already on Zayn. My hand reached out and gripped his shirt collar, bringing him forcefully to my face. "If I remember correctly, she's the one who dumped me. I love her, Zayn, I do. Sorry I didn't fuck her after we met." I shoved him down, knowing I had not only yelled at Zayn, but Perrie too. "You will not continue seeing each other, and if you do, I'll throw both of you out. You're already on Michael's bad side and Ashton is a bit annoyed by you. Get your shit together or you're fucked." I grinned evilly, turning back around. "Perrie, come." I ordered, hearing small sobs escape her lips as she followed me down the steps.

Zayn's POV

I couldn't bring myself to realize what I'd just heard.

"You will not continue seeing each other, and if you do, I'll throw both of you out."

                I rolled the words around in my head, forgetting everything else that followed. 'It's ten thirty and he's already ruining people's lives. What a bloody motherfucking asshole.' I insulted him violently in my head, running a hand through my messy hair. Yes, I loved Perrie, but I couldn't have Niall constantly playing hot and cold with my girl. It wasn't fair to her, or to me. Instead of completing my normal routine, I skipped breakfast and went straight to the shower, trying to wash away the unbearable pain I knew I wasn't allowed to show. Harry is Niall's bitch, Louis is Harry's bitch. Liam doesn't even care anymore and really just wants to get back to his 'normal' life and try out for the X Factor like he'd always dreamed of. If I expressed any sign of anger towards Niall, Louis would tell Harry, Harry would tell Niall. Niall would have my arse on the line and I couldn't bear being thrown out, this was really the only 'family' I had and I have to admit it, it's nice being in the business we're in. We're feared, known by all. We get what we want when we want it and take no hesitation to harm anyone or anything in our way. I'm really not the one to harm, just the one who does all the dirty work. Slipping into another gang's hideout and seeing what they planned on doing against one of our raids from another time was always my job. The rest of the lads all took care of the beating and gunning down. As I continued to think, I started up the water and let my mind wander to what would happen if Niall and Perrie were still together.

"Zayn?" Harry knocked, causing me to jump.

"Yeah..?" I called back, trying my best to keep my voice from breaking. All I had been doing was crying over Niall's call against me and Perrie. Blimey, I'm a baby.

"Lad, you've been in there for forty five minutes. Are you alright?" He asked, his tone full of concern.

        I had to admit, Harry could be decieving. Good friend at some times, horrible suck up at others. "N-No." I answered honestly, turning off the water and grabbing the towel I had set out for myself. I wrapped it around my waist and secured it before taking a look in the fogged up mirror. My eyes were noticibly puffy and red and it didn't help my hair was dripping and down in my face. I gave a heavy sigh and turned around, opening the door so Harry could take in what I had become in the last forty five minutes. A pruney, blubbering idiot with his head in the clouds worrying about his love life. I walked out, Harry and I talking quietly about what led me to this and why I'm so upset and this, that, the other.

                After putting on boxers and sweatpants, I heard a faint knock on my door. "Come in," I rasped, my voice raw from the sobs in the shower. Harry entered, "Lad, Liam, Louis, and Niall are all going on a 'run' in an hour. He put me in charge to make sure you and Perrie don't get any ideas, or so Niall requested." He cringed, acting like he was in some sort of discomfort or pain. "J-Just stay here until then... Nap or something. I dunno. Just.... Don't come down." And with that, he left. Of course I was curious but I never disobeyed my orders, knowing I'd only get myself in deeper shit with Niall than I already was. Harry had shut my door so I really had no way of listening to what was happening downstairs. Pressing my ear to the door, I strained to make out the muffled voices of everyone, sighing heavily as I heard Perrie's soft voice speak. "But.. And... I can't." Was what I made out, now extremely confused and curious of what could have been discussed. I bit my lip, picking up the sound of the warehouse door opening and slamming shut, the downstairs going quiet. The stairs creaked and I panicked, jumping on my bed to try to pretend like I was sleeping. "Zayn?" Harry opened my door, him obviously knowing I was awake. "They're gone. You and Perrie need to talk." And with that, he left.

                "What do you mean, 'leaving'?!" I boomed, Perrie cowering. "I-I.. Niall's moving the date up.. I only have two more weeks." She bit her lip, large tears pricking her eyes. "It's not fair!" I bellowed, swinging my arm and knocking over the lamp on my night stand. I panted, adrenaline and fury running in my bloodstream."Zayn... Calm down." She ordered me, her soft voice breaking as large crocodile tears ran down her cheeks. "Zayn. Zayn, love, we'll be okay... Okay?" With her words, I began crying once more. With every sob, my arms flung around her body and pulled her into me, us both sitting down on my bed. As we held on, I could feel her sobs begin to cease, her body wracking with violent shudders as she began to calm down. I knew I had to stop crying, my throat hurt and I couldn't keep going if Perrie wasn't either. As I calmed down, I let out a hefty sigh and kissed Perrie's head, her tucking herself into a ball and curling up, her face burying in the crook of my neck. "We'll get through this," I promised, my voice in a hoarse whisper. "I promise."


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Queenie Mia

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