The power of words­­_ Strong.

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My writing was unnatural.

It was forced; I was ignoring my instincts.

I made myself feel inferior.

So I didn't have to try.

I thought that if I sacrificed my dreams for others I would feel better but the truth is when I stopped writing I felt broken.

The truth is my choices were not reflecting me

I wasn't living for myself

We have to live with our decisions.

So at the end of the day ask yourself

Can you live with the regret of not being your true self?

Can you live with wonder if it could have been.

The truth is not knowing if it was possible gradually becomes regret

I always wondered what being strong meant

The truth is you could physical harm me to the point of hospitalisation; I would be able to recover from the pain a lot easier.

Words somehow seem to have much more power over who you can be

They hurt a lot more and the pain last a lot longer

Words only have power if you give it to them.

The secret to being strong is acknowledging that you are just as vulnerable as anyone else.

Trusting someone when you are at your weakest that's what makes you stronger.

Being strong is harder when you are on your own.

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