Graduation and Friends

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A small girl, about twelve years old, was running around a tree, she was wearing a small cute bunny jumper, and black boyshorts, you could see her long red hair flying around since the hood was down.

"Sister, if you don't stop trying to make me dizzy, I will tickle you into submission."

"Mo, sasu~neechan that's mean."

The other girl was sitting in the previously mentioned tree, she was wearing a black wolf jumper, and white combat shorts, she had long silky black hair with blood red streaks on the left side, her bangs faded into purple then white grey.

"Sasu~neechan baka, obaa~san said that we graduate today, how can you not be extremely excited." With that she started running around the entire yard screaming at nothing in particular and thoroughly annoying her sister.

"Ugh, I'm not surprised that I'm the older one, just surprised that she was born the same year as me." Sasuke had a blue mark covering half her face, she was sure that Akairan would attract the ANBU with her screaming, the whole village could possibly hear that.

"Akai~neechan stop screaming, please." That was inu, an ANBU that was always sent if screaming or other unusual noises were heard coming from their house.


Sasuke grabbed her sisters mouth and forced her to stop screaming. "You are too fucking loud, it hurts my ears, and I bet obaa~san can hear it, and she's at the mist right now."

"Mm mmmm mph, puhaa, she's a rabbit what do you expect, of course she can hear me." Sasuke finally released her mouth when Akai started to nibble her hand.

"Now, Akai~neechan you need to be quiet, and maybe we can do that." As sasuke was saying this she got closer, and spoke in a seductive manner, Akai blushed a deep red, almost as red as her hair. "Such a cute girl should be quieter, come here." Now Akai blushed even harder as she was pulled into sasuke's chest, and her hair was being pet. "So cute."

Inu watched the two sisters and had to turn around before he got a nosebleed. "I'm just gonna leave, have a goodnight girls. Twincest is wincest." With that he shushined to his house to relieve his tension, if you get what I mean.


The next day after the test, Akairan ran ahead of sasuke her haiate proudly around her neck.

"Sasuke~kun, will you go out with me?" Just so you readers know everyone thinks sasuke and Akairan are twins, and that sasuke is a very feminine boy, Sarutobi is the only one, other than Kaguya, who knows otherwise.

"No, Ino~chan we have to go meet up with our grandma, bye."
Akairan just shot her down, or was it a cockblock, I don't know.

"Hina~chi! Sakura~chan!" The two girls saw their friends kissing behind a tree, and Akairan successfully startled them.

"Mo, Akai~chan, don't do that." Sakura hated it when Akairan scared her Hina~chan, she was such a delicate flower that Sakura would not let anyone hurt, hina was sweet and kind and beautiful, and- "Kura, Sakura~chan, SAKURA~CHAN!"

"Eh?" What happened, why was Akai~chan yelling her name, oh no did she...

"Are you ranting about Hina~chi in your head again?"

"Maybe, but how can I resist she is so cute and kind and generous and loving."

"Now you're ranting to us, you love her, we get it."

"S-Sakura~chan t-th-thinks I'm c-cute?" Hinata started blushing even deeper than she already was, annnnd passed out in a faint.

"Oh hey Neji, how are you and Lee~kun?" Neji had just walked up to the girls with Lee.

"We are doing great, Gai~sensei has helped us kindle our flames of youth even stronger today!" Huh, sometimes I think Lee is more excitable than Naruto.

"They were talking to me baka."

"Neji, my rival you must realize that everything is a competition." Lee gave Neji him nice guy pose, and a big version of him suddenly jumped out of the bushes.

"That's it Lee, good job, we must go and run five hundred laps around the village if we fail to answer a question, now girls give us your hardest questions." Gai gave them his signature nice guy pose and looked expectant.

"I'll do it, what is in my pocket?" Akairan gave them the second hardest question she could think of.

"A kunai, a picture of Kaguya~san, and a chocolate bar!" Gai somehow answered correctly.

"Creepy, okay the hardest question I can think of, what is under Kakashi hatake's face mask?"

"Noo, curse that cool dude, I'm sorry I don't know!" With that he ran of to do his five hundred laps. Lee ran after him yelling, "Gai~sensei."

"Well that happened, you know that is what I always think when Lee and Gai~sensei do their thing." Sasuke always thought they were funny.

"Let's go play with Anko~chan, Sasu~chan." Akairan loved the crazy, purple haired, jounin, she had so many cute animals, like a basilisk, and a neopantera, and a girlfriend with white hair.

"No her girlfriend tried eat a guy last time."

"Tried? She did eat that guy. It was awesome and she even offered me his arm, it tasted almost as good as ramen."

"Girls, sorry to interrupt but I need my granddaughters, oh Neji I didn't see you." Sasuke was so glad to be saved by her grandma.

"It's okay Kaguya~san."

The girls were taken home leaving behind Neji, Sakura, and Hinata who woke up because of Gai~sensei and Lee, Naji told the them Hinata had to be home by twelve, and left, Hinata and Sakura went to Sakura's house and made out till ten thirty.

I tink this went well, got some Sakura X Hinata action, met team Gai, except for Tenten. I didn't expect to make another chapter so quickly actually kept wanting to add more but thought that was enough for one chapter. I'm thinking of making it kakashi x Gai~sensei, please tell me if you want that.
Hope you have fun and I always accept feedback. I don't own Naruto.

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