Team Seven

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Akairan was sitting in her seat next to Sasuke, looking at her best friend, Hinata, who was being cuddled by her girlfriend, Sakura.

"They look so cute together, don't they Sasu~chan?" Hinata started blushing at this, and nearly fainted. Sakura was thinking that she hoped she was on the same team as her Hina~chan.

Suddenly a stomping sound was heard, and the door was thrown open by Kiba and Lucian, "Alright I'm in first." They started to argue about who was in the door first.

"Akai~chan who came in first?"

"They both came in at the same time, Sakura~chan."

"What! No way I was inches ahead of this teme!" They say this at the same time. "Stop copying me teme!"

"Please stop, you two are giving me a headache." Akairan was holding her head, feeling like it would explode.

"Sorry Akairan~san, I didn't mean to hurt you." Kiba took Akamaru and went to his seat.

"Heh, sorry Akairan~chan, but that teme is annoying." Lucian went and sat next to Shino, and some random student that won't be named.

"Okay class, time for teams to be called, were is shikamaru?" Iruka called out for the class to settle down, only to realize that one was missing.

Shikamaru was dragged in by his mother, who was holding his collar. "Iruka I believe you are missing this child of mine."

"Just five minutes, just five more minutes, dad's a fuckin liar." Shikamaru seemed mad that he was late as well.

"Thank you Mrs.Nara. Now as I was saying, teams." As he called out the teams Akairan zoned out to talk to her father.

"I don't see why you have to do this all over again."

"Because dad there are thing important to me that happen in the academy, and gennin era of my life, just because we made it so Sakura could be more open, and Hinata, actually nothing happened with her, but they are so cute together."

"Whatever sweetie, just be careful with your plans, okay?"

"Okay daddy, my team is getting called I should get back to reality."

"Team seven, Akairan Uchiha, Sakura Haruno, Sasuke Uchiha."
Sakura looked deflated that she wasn't with her little Hinata, but was glad she was working with her best friend, and her best friend's brother.

"Team eight, Ino yamanaka, Choji Akimichi, Shikamaru Nara." Ino burst out about being with a lazy ass and a fatty, even if they had been friends since they were little.

"Team ten, Hinata Hyuga, Kiba Inuzuka, Shino Aburame."
Kiba visibly shrank as far under the table as possible.

"Sakura please no violence, until your sensei is late." Iruka knew they were gonna have Kakashi as a teacher, well he was more of an assistant sensei, they would be taught by Kaguya, like always.

About three hours later, Kakashi walked into the room only to find a fist almost in his face and a pink haired girl, screaming at him. "YOU'RE LATE, TAKE YOUR PUNISHMENT!!!" He barely dodged the fist and looked back at the girl, her hair was waving in the air like Kushina, and Akairan did when they were pissed off. Oh great another Kushina.

Akairan sneezed, is someone talking about me behind my back?

"Why are you asking me kit"

"I wasn't."

"Okay, head up to the roof,  before pink Kushina kills me."
He poofed away and Sakura took the statement as a compliment, Kushina was her hero and she wanted to be just like her.

}Skip past walking up the stairs{

"Okay, you are all here, let's introduce our selves."

"You first sensei, you look shifty with your one eye, and facial mask, and gravity defying grey hair." Sakura is such a little minx.

"No, he looks funny, and almost as hot as akai is cute." Sasuke grabbed Akairan's chin and looked into her eyes.

"Sasu, noo we have-"

"Shhh, if they say a thing I'll stab them in the heart, like you have me." Sasuke leaned in close and made like they were gonna kiss.

"Sasuke." Akairan pulled her arms in, taking her right hand and making it seem like she was nervous. "Go easy on our new sensei, he looks like he's gonna get a nose bleed."

"Um, no I'm fine." Why did I have to get them, I couldn't just have gotten people who hated each other, why hokage why? "Introduce yourself already, so we can go."

"Okay, my name is Sakura Haruno, I like, no love my Hina~chan, and Akai~chan is pretty okay too. I don't like my mom, Laziness, perverts, or  anything that gets on my nerves, like Akairan's brother. My hobbies include making out with Hina~chan, playing pranks with Akairan, and eating dango. My dream is to have a family with Hina~chan."

"Okay, how about you mini-kushina."

"My name is Akairan Uzuchiha Getsu. I like Anko, Hinata, and Sakura, I love Sasu, and grandma, and especially ramen. I dislike, rapists, perverts, and people who judge based upon what they have heard from others. My hobbies are hanging out with my friends, meeting new people, training, annoying Saau, yelling; screaming; and hollering for no reason, and finding out just how fast I can go. My dream is to protect my friends and family, and punch Itachi in the face."

Strange girl but nice dream, not so sure about the second.
"Okay how about you Romeo?"

"My name is Sasuke Uzuchiha Getsu, I like my sister and tomatoes, I hate everything else, I train a lot, and my dream is to protect my sister and anyone that became important to me along the way, and punch my brother in the groin fifty seven times in the face."

Please don't do that, I don't care what happened to your family don't do that. "Okay, come to training ground seven tomorrow at seven sharp, and don't eat, you'll puke." With that he poofed away in a cloud of grey dust.

"Bye Akai~chan, ima go see if I can get Hina~chan now, Sasuke."

"See ya, Sakura~chan, come on Sasu let's go find Anko and see if her girlfriend is eating someone again."

The friends left, and went to find the people they were looking for, Sakura found Hinata and waited for the meeting to be over then kidnapped her and took her home for another hot make out session. We now follow Akairan and Sasuke to find Anko, in the next chapter this one took too long, I can't believe myself.

I'm so sorry it took so long but it is finally out, I get caught up in reading interesting books.
I don't own Naruto I hope you enjoy, and always appreciate feedback.

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