Lies and Truths

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Kaguya thought back on the events that led up to this day. She took Sasuke in, she and Hiruzen let the council think that she was Kushina's mother, who Kushina had gone to see when she was pregnant, Kushina had died in child birth and the man that had impregnated her died to the Kyuubi, not totally a lie but less truth than most stories.

The council believed that Sasuke had claimed Akairan as his little sister when they took him (her) in, not knowing he had survived a massacre, but thinking his parents had recently been murdered, and that's why they had found him (her) in the park crying.

Kaguya had adopted Sasuke with a special blood adoption fuinjutsu that only the Uzumaki could possibly know, according to the council, that had mixed their blood together truly making them a blood related family, with the accidental side affect of giving all three of them the rinne-sharingan. When the council had heard this they tried to put her and her cute granddaughters in the CRA, still thinking that Sasuke was a boy, and they still do, but she released her KI and took them out of that stupid mindset.

Of course she merely used that as an excuse to be able to use her rinne-sharingan in missions, but she really had blood adopted Sasuke, after they had given her back her memories from her previous life and she and akai had cried into each other's shoulder for an hour. The blood adoption had also included her son kurama, though he didn't receive any blood still being made of chakra, Sasuke had received his blood and become his cute daughter. Kaguya had found out during the adoption that Sasuke was already distantly related to her through Indra, she sighed, apparently Kushina was descended from hagoromo so she was also distantly her grand daughter, she sighed again family was so complicated to keep track of when you had been sealed in the moon for two thousand years.

(Please tell me if I got that wrong)

Kaguya activated her rinne-sharingan and her Tensaigan , and her left eye flared to a lilac purple with black tomoe and lines ringing around the center of the eye, this was the same dojutsu she had given Itachi so many years ago, her right eye became almost white with blue surrounding it.

Her granddaughter Akairan had accidentally gained an ability even she didn't have it could copy all abilities someone had even a bloodline, the only downfall being she had to touch that person, and the ability even allowed her to alter, manipulate, and combine the abilities she copied however she wanted. The clever girl had copied the Hyuga Byakugan and figured out how to manipulate it into the Tensaigan, without her help, and then combined it with the rinne-sharingan making a whole new doujutsu.

Kaguya was frustrated, she had been trying to combine these eyes for millennia and her granddaughter beat her to it in three weeks after gaining them both, and she won't tell her how she did it, it was so aggravating.

She had seen how beautiful Akairan's eyes had become, though the poor girl couldn't turn them off so we always kept her eyes closed as she could see perfectly fine with them closed, they had become a neon purple fuin symbols flying all over the place in three circles around the pupil which was a small gold fleur-de-lis.

Kaguya deactivated her eyes and looked down at the picture book she had been reminiscing about, she sighed today was the day the test at the forest of death would end then she would get to watch her little girls fight in the arena, she hoped they had good opponents who could entertain her girls. Kaguya handed the book to Haku, the young boy was a great Butler, she had hired his father as a bodyguard for her girls, after they had woken up. Zabuza had been great for experimenting new healing techniques after the fight he had with Kakashi, and that broken knee-cap and terminal illness had been even more fun to experiment with, she had eventually healed them both completely.

Haku had pledged his life for saving Zabuza. Zabuza was more than happy to be a protector of her granddaughters, especially after the two had been let in on the fact that both of them were girls and Sasuke wasn't just a really girly boy. Haku hadn't been surprised, while Zabuza had to rethink life ideals for an hour.

I hope you liked it, couldn't think of what to put for the first part of the exam so I decided to use this to explain a lot of things that might have confused you, like why everyone accepted Sasuke and Akairan as siblings. I always accept feedback and don't own Naruto and Sasuke.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2020 ⏰

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