You're Famous?

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"Carter.." Calum whispered as he saw how bad Mary had beaten her. He stood up and helped Eleanor carry Carter to her bed.


"Yeah, yeah i'm here baby don't worry"

Carter smiled, well as close as to smiling as she could "Just My Luck"

Tears spilled from Carter's eyes and fell onto her cheeks as she quietly sobbed. Calum sat next to Carter and lifted her onto his lap, he hugged her and rubbed her back in small cirlcles trying to calm her down. 

"You're Okay baby, you're okay" he whispered. It pained him to see Carter crying and looking so hurt. She had bruises on her arms and legs they were a dark purple color. She looked so scared and vulnerable, Calum had never seen anyone in this state and it saddened him that someone could hurt Carter this bad. Especially when that someone was her own mother. And it was all his fault at least that's what he felt. Everything had been his fault, if only he hadn't lost track of time and let Carter leave before her mum arrived home then none of this would have been happening. Or maybe he had just shown up earlier then they would've had more time to spend with eachother. But, obviously he couldn't have come any earlier because he had been extremely busy with the band and interviews and Carter couldn't know that, at least not yet.

"Y-you didn't s-see anything r-right?" Carter stuttered. Truth is Carter would be completely ashamed if Calum had seen her mother beat her the way she did. Not only because it was horrible and terrifying but also because she let her mother treat her that way but Calum wouldn't understand that her mother was only tring to protect her.

"No, Eleanor let me in the room before I could see anything. She said you wouldn't want me to see"

Carter nodded. 

"I'm sorry" Calum said softly

"I-i'm scared Calum" Carter whispered.

"She won't hurt you again Carter, I promise."

"She loves me, she only did it to protect me"

That caught Calum off gaurd but he didn't want to upset her by saying that her mother beating her wasn't the right way to protect her. And what was she protecting her from exactlt? because as far as he's concerned the only protecting she needed was from her own mother not anything else. "Then what are you afraid of?" 

"I don't know." Carter wasn't sure what she was afraid of or why she was scared. Her heart beat fast, her palms were sweaty and she had a weird feeling in her stomach. 

"I'm here Carter, I won't let anyone hurt you." Calum would never let anyone touch Carter, not after what he had just seen. Truth was he did see Carter's mother hit her but Eleanor had took him into the room and promised to not say anything. It was horrible hearing Carter's cries from the other side of the room and not being able to go out and protect her. Calum didn't even know why he wanted to protect Carter but he just felt the need to. Carter was all that was on his mind ever since he'd found her and now all that he thought about was protecting her and keeping her safe.

"You're going to have to leave Calum, you can't stay here forever." Carter had stopped crying but now that she thought about Calum leaving her again made her want to cry all over again. She knew from the start that Calum wouldn't be able to visit her everday or stay with her because her mother had prohibited any sort of contact with anyone from outside the walls. She knew her nother would have caught her sooner or later and unfortunately it had been sooner, way too soon and now Calum would never be able to come back.

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