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She was kept away in a place where no one could find her, in a place where no one would dare go. Somewhere where she didn't know what the world held. She was "protected" by her mother who claimed she knew best and only wanted the best for her. Mary might have isolated her two daughters but she just wanted to keep them "safe", she had been through so much that she'd rather them not live in the real world.. Even if it meant that her daughters had to live locked up away from everyone. 

Carter had lived 17 years of her life thinking that there was only bad in the world, of course because her mother had taught her that outside the walls of her home there was evil but she refused to believe it. She believed that even though she had been hurt so many times there could be good out in the world. Carter had always dreamed of going behind those walls and knowing what the real world was like, but Carter wasn't allowed to. She had been prohibited to go anwhere beyond the walls that seperated her from the real world, her curiosity was always there though.

Carter's sister on the other hand, had no intentions of ever leaving her home. Mary had taught her that it was the only place where she could be safe and she forced herself to believe what her mother said was true. Of course Eleanor, as the older sister had to be the responsible one and couldn't show any interest in what was behind the walls that kept her safe from the outside world. Eleanor always reminded Carter about the dangers in the world and tried to keep Carter's curiosity away. She tried convincing Carter that whatever they were going through was so much better than being out of the walls but it wasn't always so easy, especially now that Carter had found a new interest. A Boy.

He didn't mean to go over the walls that no one dared to go behind but the situation he was in gave him no choice, after all it couldn't be worse than getting beat up by drunk teenagers. It was the only place he could hide because he knew no one would even think of crossing the walls that lead to who knows where. He had heard so many stories of what the walls hid that he wasn't even sure of what the truth was. There were so many trees that there was no way he could see what was behind the walls but he knew it couldn't be as bad as what he had heard. Supposedly there lived a lady who killed her husband and daughters and now isolated herself from everyone. She was supposedly now into whichcraft and anyone who crossed over was never to be found, but he would take the risk.

Carter had just finished doing her chores and was reliefed that her mom hadn't come home yet. Mary hated coming home from work to unfinished chores. Now that Carter had finished her work she went outside as usual, she took any opportunity she could to go outside and be free, well the closest to free as she could be. Carter loved to be outside running around the field with the wind softly hitting her face. She loved how the sun shined and warmed up her face whille she lay on the grass. Carter would always look at the trees that surrounded the walls, she tried looking behind the walls but could not see anything. Something caught her eye though, A Boy.

He seemed to be hiding behind a tree. Carter wasn't sure how he managed getting over the wall and she wasn't sure if she was afraid or excited that someone finally got over the wall, especially when that someone was a boy. Her mother had warned her about boys, they could do so much dammage to a girl.. But Carter wanted to know more about the real world and walked towards the boy. He had dark hair and beautiful brown eyes, he was dressed in all black and had loads of tattos, that scared Carter. Boys who dressed in all black and had tattoos were never a good sign, they were the most dangerous ones. But one thing that her sister had taught her was that she should never judge anyone by their appearances so she pushed those thoughts aside. Who knows this guy might turn out to be something else.

"W-what are you doing here?" Carter stuttered, suddenly becoming nervous.

"Erm, I was kind of being chased by some guys. Sorry I didn't think anyone actually lived here" the boy said in some weird accent that Carter had never heard before.

She giggled at the sound of his voice, she had never heard anything like it and she found it funny but in a way she liked it. She'd never admit it to him though, especially because he was a stranger. She thought of what he had said, he was being chased.

Why would he have been being chased? 

"Why were you being chased?" Carter asked wanting to know the reason to what had led him to come over the walls.

"Just some guys being assholes" He said dusting himself off.

"Assholes?" asked not understanding what he meant by that.

"Yeah, you know being mean and such. Trying to find some trouble"

"Oh, right. Ok haha." she said shyly

Carter was really naive when it came to this type of launguage. Her mother did many horrible things but she'd never called her an asshole before so she didn't know what he meant. In fact, her mother never used any type of badwords now that she thought of it. She felt silly that she hadn't understood him but she brushed it off, not wanting him to know that she was embarrassed.

"So what's your name?"


"I like it" she giggled

Calum smiled. He thought she was very beautiful and he liked that she was inoscent and didn't think bad of him. He liked the way he eyes lightened up every time she giggled. He thought Carter was funny and kind, he was so interested in her and wanted to talk to her all day. Calum wanted to get to know her interests, her likes and dislikes, he wanted to get to know her.

Carter and Calum hung out for what felt like hours, but it  had only been one hour. They talked and got to know eachother but they mostly just starred at eachother. Carter noticed so much about Calum, but she focused more on the tattoos on his arms. She liked them even though they frightened her a bit. She wondered why he got them but she wouldn't dare to ask.  

Calum also noticed lots of things about Carter but he focused on the bruises on her arms and legs. They were easy to notice especially because she was wearing a dress. He hadn't noticed them at first and now that he focused more on her he realized that they were really bad. Calum didn't ask about them, he pretended like he hadn't noticed the at all. He still thought she was beautiful, bruises or no bruises.

The sun was setting and Carter knew that she had to go in soon, mother would be home any time. She didn't want to leave Calum, she wanted to stay up all night talking to him about anything and everything. Carter grew a liking towards Calum that she never thought she would. Carter was taught that everyone beyond their walls was evil and dangerous but Calum was nice and sweet. He made Carter laugh and she liked that, she liked laughing with him. 

"I have to go back inside"  Carter said knowing that her mother would be home anytime now and could catch Calum out here. Carter knew how her mother felt about the people behind their walls and didn't want her to see Calum even though she knew he was not a bad person. 

Calum nodded and they stood up from where the had been laying. 

"Will I See You Again?" Carter asked

Calum turned to look at Carter and smiled, "Most definitely" 

They said their goodbyes and began walking opposite ways.

"Hey!" Calum half yelled when he was at the top of the wall.

Carter quickly turned around "Yeah?"

"What's your name beautiful?"


A/N: Thank you for reading. Please leave me any feedback or suggestions, I really encourage that haha. : )  Remember to vote and follow. Take care! ~PolishGirl_

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