What was that?

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"So he was stalking you?" Michael asked laughing as Carter told them about Calum jumping over the walls of her house.

"Not exactly he just kind of found me there" Carter shrugged

"To me it sounds like he already knew you lived there" Ashton joined in and laughed.

"Okay, okay you guys can stop now i was not stalking" Calum glared at them making them shut up. 

"And you've never been outside the walls?! Like ever?" Luke asked surprised 

"Nope." Eleanor answered for Carter knowing that she was still not comfortable with talking about being stuck beihind the walls. 

"So your mum just kept you guys locked up?" Luke asked oblivious to how uncomortable Carter was. He really didn't do it on purpose he was just curious about the whole situation.

Carter tensed up at Lukes question and shifted in her seat beside Calum, Calum instantly noticed Carter's discomfort and took her hand in his and gave it a light squeeze reassuring her that everything would be fine. She looked up at him and flashed him a smile he returned it and scooted closer to her.

"Carter and I will be going to starbucks so show Eleanor around and we will be back in a couple of hours" Calum said standing up and dragging Carter along.

"Bring some for me and Don't forget we have a show today at 8 !" Michael shouted as Calum went out the door.

"What's Starbucks?" Carter asked Calum while they were in the elevator

"This fucking awesome coffee shop, you'll love it! They even write your name on the cup!" Calum said excitedly. He sure did love his starbucks maybe even more than Michael.

Calum was hoping that there weren't any fans or paparzzi waiting outside because then they'd get mobbed once again and he didn't want Carter going through that again. Luckily once they walked out the hotel there were only a few fans waiting outside. He quickly took pictures wit them and gave out a couple autographs.

"Is she your girlfriend?" A tall blonde asked Calum pointing at Carter who was stading off at the side looking around awkwardly.

"Ah no just a friend" Calum answered running a hand through his hair.

"She's pretty" the blonde smiled

"Yeah she is" Calum said looking at Carter who was now talking to some fans. He smiled thinking that they were probably having a nice talk but boy was he wrong.

"Uh can you um follow me on twitter?" the blonde asked suddenly becoming shy

"Sure thing love what's your username?"

She blushed and looked at the ground "Harry's underscore gravy" (Harry's_Gravy) Calum let out a chuckle and followed her on twitter. She laughed embarrassed but thanked him and said she'd see him later at the show.

"I'll see you then" Calum and turned to look at Carte once again and found her looking down at the ground as two girls laughed. He rushed over to Carter and saw that she was crying "Hey, what's wrong love?" he asked Carter fully concerned about why she was crying.

The two girls shot her dirty glares as if telling her to keep her mouth shut. "N-nothing i uh i'm just a little homesick" Carter said inbetween sobs. Calum quickly took her in his arms and waked to his cars he opened the door for her and she climbed in. Calum got in the drivers seat and turned to look at Carter.

"Hey I know that you miss your mum but think of all the fun we are about to have.."

"Cal im really not homesick.. "

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