She's Hurting

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"Harry, I love her."

Calum was in love with Carter sure it'd only been a couple weeks since they had first met but there was something that Calum couldn't describe that made him fall for Carter so easily. He had the feeling of wanting to be by her side no matter what. He felt as if he needed to protect Carter as if his life depended on it. Being away from Carter made his heart ache, he couldn't stand not speaking to her and Harry being there for her all this time and him being the one to sleep beside her when it was his job to do all of those things. He was the one that was supposed to keep Carter happy he was the one that was supposed to wish Carter a good night not Harry. He was supposed to teach Carter of new things and tease her because of her confusion not Harry. For god's sake his face was the one supposed to be on Carter's iphone case not god damn Harry! But that was not the case anymore. Harry was the one doing all of those things and it was all because of a stupid mistake. Why had he been so stupid as to sleeping with a random girl who meant nothing to him. Carter was all he cared about and it was no one's but his fault that she wasn't by his side.

"Cal, mate you need to fix things. And what's going on with the fans? Do they not like Carter? Cause they seem to like Eleanor just fine."

"They hate her, Harry. I don't know why. There's so much hate on twitter, instagram, just everywhere. The other day some fans made her cry. Jesus she has a phone now. Don't let her go on any social media Harry." Calum sighed.

Harry scratched the back of his head and looked down, "Sorry mate I already helped her get an instagram and twitter account."

"Harry! What were you thinking! The fans! They will send her so much hate! She won't be able to handle it!"

"She seems fine so far. I'll let you know if anything happens and make sure to fix things with her... she's hurting Calum." Harry said walking out the room.


*2 weeks later*

Carter lay on the bathtub she was only wearing underwear and a bra. Mascara ran down her face as she looked up at the ceiling. Her thighs had white lines on them. Battle scars, was what Eleanor called them. Ever since they had left home Eleanor had made her number one priority to help Carter stop self-harming. Of course Carter tried cooperating but there was just too many bad thoughts and memories in her head to actually stop her from stopping her little habit. This was one of those times Carter had bad thoughts and memories. She was having flashbacks of her mother. She kept replaying the times her mother beat her and call her horrible names. Her mother was right Carter was so pathetic. She has no reason to be living in a world with Calum or Eleanor or Harry. She was just a burden in their lives. Eleanor needed to live her life and stop worrying about Carter's well being. Calum couldn't keep taking Carter everywhere he needed to worry about his fans and concerts not her. The same went with Harry, he was getting less sleep each day just staying up making sure Carter got rest and didn't try anything stupid.

Carter laughed, a sweet evil laugh. She laughed at the joke she called life. God her life was a mess. She ran away from home with a guy she had literally just met. She wasn't even on speaking terms with the guy right now. She kissed one of his best friends and then made him one of her best friends. Well I guess he was her only best friend other than Eleanor. God she was making a mess out of Harry and Calum's life and to put the cherry on the top she had to drag Eleanor down with her. Carter laughed once more and looked to her side, there shined the beautiful sharp razor. She picked it up with trembling hands. She held the cold metal against her pale skin and slid it right across her thigh. Red liquid dripped out of her many cuts and splashed onto the white bathtub. Carter sat up from her laying position and pushed her knees close to her chest. She lay her head on her knees and began sobbing. This wasn't making anything any better. It didn't even feel good there was no feeling of satisfaction or relief. All Carter felt was emptiness and pain. Carter felt her heart numb and it suddenly became hard to breathe. Carter began panicking and shaking. She tried to stop the blood but it was useless, it just came pouring out if her nonstop. She tried to cry out for help but it was as if she had no voice and there as no sound coming out her lips. Everything went pitch black after that. Everything was dark, dark like her soul.

A/N: Okay how was that? Okay maybe the last sentence was too much but this guy said that to me in Spanish class so I thought I should add that in. Anyway how are you guys feeling about this chapter? Carter kind of had a melt down and yeah. Idk her emotions are just scary. She misses home and I think she's in sort of a trauma. But anyway Calum will be in the next chapter. Idk if Carter should go to the hospital or not. Idk seems like she needs rehab. Anywho I missed you guys so I came back to write Carter again. Okay wow um PREDICTION TIME!!! Go ahead and comment any predictions, suggestions or anything you'd like. This chapter is dedicated to anyone who reads and comments or votes. You guys are awesome! Oooooh also! I rewrote Good Girls so if you guys haven't checked that out yet you totally should! Next chapter for all of my fanfics will be updated today and tomorrow!!!! Be prepared! Okay Love YOU!! Stay cool Stay beautiful Stay rad Stay weird! And remember to vote.! ~April

P.S Sorry for the long author's note! xx

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