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On the wall, inside the art room, there were a lot of beautiful paintings, made by the students who were attending the college. Jungkook followed the strong scent, and ended up touching the frame of a stunning painting. The painting was characterized mostly by cold colors, and it represented a snowy day. It was painted from a different perspective, from above. In one of the corners you could see the shapes of two angels on the snow.

Jungkook was shaking, because it felt so familiar, and he was scared to read the name of the artist. Jungkook looked to the right bottom, and he was disappointed to see only a 'V'.

That wasn't the name he was hoping to see.

"Oh, you like this painting, Jungkook-ah?" Yugyeom asked, looking at the painting too. " It's full of different emotions, that I can't understand, like I can't understand the artist" Yugyeom asked.

"Do you know the one who made this?" Jungkook gulped, his little fingers tracing the shape of the two angels.

"Yes, I do. He is my mate's bestfriend. Sadly I don't know him very well." Yugyeom said.

"Oh—do you have a mate Yugyeom-ah? That's good" Jungkook left a sad smile, thinking about a certain person.

"His name is BamBam, and he is and alpha wolf. We mated one month ago." Yugyeom said, smiling. "His bestfriend—the artist—is called V"

"What kind of name is V?" Jungkook laughed, his eyes still on the painting.

"Oh, that's obviously not his name—but I don't know his real name. He introduced himself as V, and I didn't questioned it. BamBam probably knows his real name" Yugyeom explained.

"Does he still attend this college?" Jungkook asked.

"BamBam is our same age, so he will attend our lessons aswell—I'll introduce him to you—in the other hand V is two years older" Yugyeom said.

Jungkook's heart skipped a beat. There's no harm in trying.

"Uhm can you tell me how does V look like—"

"Yugyeomie!" a good looking alpha said out loud. He walked towards us.

"Baby finally I found you, we have to go, do you remember?" the male said.

"I do, Bammie, but first let me introduce you to my roommate" Yugyeom took my hand and positioned me beside him. "BamBam, this is Jungkook. Jungkook, this is my alpha and mate"

"H-Hi, nice too meet you" Jungkook said, shaking his hand. He is sorrounded by tall boys.

"Oh my god a bunny hybrid! Are you for real, I've never seen one in all my whole life" BamBam said, excited. "You're so tiny aaaahhh" BamBam pinched his cheeks.

"Bammie, you're scaring him! Please Jungkookie forgive my mate" Yugyeom laughed.

"That's okay." Jungkook blushed.

"I'm sorry Jungkookie, but now I really have to go, will you be fine by your own?" Yugyeom asked, worried.

"Oh, don't worry! Thank you for showing me the college" Jungkook said.

"You're welcome. Bye bye Jungkookie" Yugyeom and BamBam said goodbye.

Said that, the two boys walked away, leaving Jungkook alone.


"Saint Namjoon, what am I gonna do now?" Jungkook said, looking at the two direction. He forgot in which way was the omegas' dorm.

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