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Busan, the next day

Tina was sitting on her new boyfriend's lap, stroking the man's bunny ears. "Honey, should I tell him?" Tina said, buring his face on his boyfriend's neck.

"He's your son...he has all the right to know. And I don't think he'll be sad---I mean, it's not the same but..." Taemin said.

"I don't know. I'm scared he'll be sad? Or confused? How can I tell him that I've recently discovered that his dad wasn't my true mate? And now I met my true mate, after a lot of years believing that Jungkook's dad was my true mate?" Tina said, fidgeting.

"He'll understand. He is smart, isn't he? He is your son, after all." Taemin smiled.

Tina and Taemin met at the supermarket. Tina, being clumsy like her son, stumbled, and Taemin held her, preventing her to fall. It was love at first sight and---after a bit, they kissed their heart, and the black half moon appeared.

"I'm scared he won't find his true mate---he was born to a fake love, wasn't he? I lover his dad but, it was all a pretence. Now, because of me, he'll never find a true mate. I don't want to! He deserves someone to love him" Tina started crying. He cared about his son too much.

"He'll find the right one. I'm positive" Taemin tried to reassure her.

"How can he find another girl or boy born to a fake love? That's impossible. He can be loved only by them. And that's my fault, because I've never kissed his dad's heart. If I had, I would have broken up with him."

"Jungkook wouldn't have been born, then. And you're so happy to have him. Don't say these things"

"I know! I love my son, more than myself! But I don't want him to live a life alone...that's my worst nightmare" Tina wiped her tears. "I feel so guilty---"

"He'll find the right one. And when he does, he'll be the happiest in the world. The legend says that when he finds a person like him, their half moon will have gold edges. And I think it's beautiful, because two negatives make a positive"

"I hope he'll find his negative" Tina whispered.

Both Taehyung and Jungkook were born to a fake love, then.


Seoul, the next day

Jungkook wake up on a big white bed. He felt Taehyung breathing on his back, while his arms and tail were wrapped around Jungkook's waist, protectively.

"Where am I?" Jungkook thought. Thank god it was saturday and he didn't need to go to the college.

Jungkook moved a bit, wanting to face Taehyung but he only tightened his grip on the bunny. Taehyung made a noise, unconsciusly, like he didn't want the bunny to go away.

Jungkook in the end managed to face him. Taehyung had his head against Jungkook's chest, and his breathing was tickling the little bunny. He started stroking the tiger's gray locks, while he felt Taehyung's tail wrapping around his thigh and pushing his leg on Taehyung's hip.

Then he noticed that both he and Taehyung were naked. And Taehyung's tail had a life of his own, like Jungkook's ears.

Jungkook looked at his sorroundings, and noticed that they were in a hotel room. Maybe Taehyung thought that it was the best, since he couldn't bring Jungkook back in his dorm under those conditions.

"Bunny" Taehyung murmured, rubbing his nose against Jungkook's chest. "I love my little bunny"

Jungkook blushed, not knowing if Taehyung was awake or he was dreaming.

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