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Over the next nineteen months, a lot had happened.

On the third of July, Blaise and Pansy won a week-long vacation on a cruise ship. On the tenth of July, they sent out badly taken photos of themselves to their friends. They'd hijacked a church and gotten married in a foreign country. 

A month later, on the eleventh of August, Fleur gave birth to a baby boy that she and Bill named Louis on Victoíre's request.

By the twelfth of October, the Weasley family grew by one more when Penelope and Percy had their second daughter, named Lucy, this time after Penelope's mother.

The New Years ball that Loretta held was absolutely wonderful, and Tobias spent the first day of the new year with his best friend, Teddy, seeing as his parents had business to attend to.

By Ron's birthday, Bill had packed up his campsite in Egypt and moved back home to England with his family.

The newspapers -- mostly in the Muggle world -- were brimming with gossip regarding a celebrity wedding that took place on the eighth of April between a certain Theodore Nott and Allegra Nocturne.

Luna and Rolf discovered a new creature on the thirty-first of July. The creature, roughly the size of Hagrid's fist, was most often found on riverbanks, moulding their own little homes out of clay soil. The couple had laughed over their decision in naming the creature. Harry was mortified when informed that there was a creature named after him called a potter rat. Mortified, yes, but still touched by the sentiment.

On the first of September, Harry woke up with a shock for the seventh time since he graduated. "I MISSED THE TRAIN!" Ginny only snickered at the thought of her husband frantically trying to locate his Firebolt in order to reach the castle before the Sorting began.

Halloween was spent avoiding Lavender. Roughly eleven adults hid in a newly decorated nursery.

"Ronald Bilius Weasley," Hermione began.

"Go and pacify your wife!" Ginny hissed, kicking her brother on his shin. "That raging woman is out there with all of our kids and if she crushes any of them with your unborn child, that's going to be the last child you ever have."

There was pin-drop silence in the room -- which was impressive, seeing as the room was carpeted.

"Mate, you should go," Blaise said. "I've seen this one angry before, and I do not want to see it again."

Ron pouted. "But Lavender scares me!"

"Mate, she's nine months pregnant, how scary can she be?"

Ron narrowed his eyes at Neville. "You're hiding too, aren't you? Exactly, so shut up. I'm going. If I die, tell my mother I love her."

Ginny snorted as she pulled the door opens and nearly kicked Ron out.

There was incoherent yelling from a certain witch with small pauses between where they assumed Ron was trying to say something. And then there was silence, aside from the odd noise one of the children made.

"Do you think she killed him?" Draco asked.

"Maybe," Pansy said. "Who knows?"

"Maybe he just put a silencing charm on her," Harry said.

Ginny turned to him. "If I am ever yelling and you put a silencing charm on me, I will permanently silence you."

"You know, Ron might've survived if we sent Hannah out there," Luna said, gesturing to the Hufflepuff. "Pregnant raging lunatics tend to find solace with others who are --"

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