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   There was a loud knock on the door and I rushed to open it. There stood three guys and the two taller ones struggled to keep V up on his feet.

   "We believe this belongs to you."

   "V! What happened to him?" I helped him into the house.

   "Well ... He kinda drank too much." One of them explained. "Then he wouldn't stop making cars levitate, there was a five car pile up because of him."

   "Luckily, no one was hurt."

   "Thanks for bringing him here safely. Are you his coworkers?"

   "Yes. I'm Jongin, this is Baekhyun and that's Kyungsoo."

   "Well, thank you guys again." They waved and I closed the door. I looked over my shoulder and V had disappeared. "V?! Babe, where are you?"

   "I'm not here!" He called from somewhere nearby. I walked towards the closet and opened the door to see him seated on the floor, hiding his face. "Shh. Shh." He put his finger to his lips. "Don't tell Joey I'm here."

I grabbed his arms to help him up, but he used his weight to pull himself down and made it even harder for me to get him to stand.

   "What are you doing?" I asked before he tripped me and I fell on top of him.

   "You're so squishy and cute." He squeezed my cheeks and pulled me into a tight hug.

   "V..." I pulled myself out of his strong grip and grabbed him by the ankles, he mumbled to himself as I dragged his body towards the bedroom.

   "I'm fine. I feel fine!" He moaned as he kicked my hands away.

   "You're not fine."

   "Yes, I am and I can prove it to you." He staggered to his feet.

   "And how are you going to do that? You can't even stand up straight." I gestured to his wobbly stance.

   "Don't make fun of me." He pouted with hooded eyes.

   "I wasn't making fun of you."

   "I have a joke, do you want to hear it?"

   "What's the joke?"

   "Knock knock."

   "Who's there?"

   "No one. It's just me, saying knock knock." He laughed as if it were the joke of the century. He threw his head back in laughter and he almost hit his head on the wall behind him, luckily I grabbed him by his shirt just in time.

His wide smile quickly turned into a frown and his moved his hand down to his stomach. "Joey, I don't feel too good."

   "That's all of the alcohol you had."

   "I don't like it." He shook his head.

   "I know." I helped him toward the bathroom.

   "Can you make my stomach feel better?"

   "You'll probably just have to use the bathroom." I placed ny hand on his back.

   "But, I don't have to use the bathroom." He whined as he furrowed his eyebrows together.

   "You said your stomach hurts. You probably have to throw up."

   "But, I don't have to throw up."

   "Okay. Well, if you don't feel sick, then you should lay down." I reached towards him and he disappeared.

   He reappeared behind me.

   "You'll have to catch me first." He giggled lazily then hiccuped.

I turned around and he was gone again. He was vanishing into thin air then reappearing in random places.

If I started chasing him around, I'd just tire myself out. So, I just sat on the sofa and waited for him to succumb first.

   "Look Joey! I'm over here! Now I'm over here!" He teleported throughout the entire house and eventually he collapsed on the sofa next to me.


   "No." He shook his head lazily. "You'll never take me alive!"

   "How much did you have to drink?"

   "This many." He giggled as he held up all of his fingers. "Tiny glasses."

   "You had ten shots?"

V giggled lazily and rested his head on the arm of the sofa. "Are you feeling okay?"

He didn't answer as he stared blankly at the wall. "Well, if you're done, you should get to bed."

   "But, I'm not tired." He whined as he kicked his bare feet in the air like an annoyed child.

   "It doesn't matter if you're tired. You need to lay down." I helped him off of the sofa. He stood up so suddenly, that it took me by surprise when he pushed my back against the wall.

I stared at him with wide eyes, wondering what he was going to do next.

He slowly moved his lips to mine to place a long and passionate kiss. I could smell the alcohol, much like a thick aura that surrounded him.

He pulled away and loomed at me, his brows furrowed in confusion.

   "What's wrong?"

   "I don't feel well." He took a small step back before vomiting on my socks. It took everything within me not to scream and yell from disgust or anger.

I just took it and after he had thrown up possibly everything in his stomach, I took a deep breath and let it out. I took quite a few breaths actually.

   "I'm sorry." He whimpered then suddenly blacked out. His eyes fluttered closed and I caught him before his body touched the floor.

Slowly and carefully, I slid off my socks and hauled an unconcious V to bed. I laid him on the mattress and pulled off his shoes then placed them beside the bed.

On his face, droplets of sweat began to form. I unbuttoned the first few buttons of his shirt and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

He looked like a helpless baby. A baby that I had to protect. I cleaned up the vomit and threw the socks away. After cleaning up the mess, I put my clothes away that I had worn for that day.

I felt around my hoodie pocket to make sure I left nothing behind. But, I pulled out an envelope. It was the invitation that Ricardo had given me.

I wanted to show it to V. But, based upon the situation tonight, I wasn't able to. Maybe that's a sign. A sign telling me not to go. I though it'd be nice for V and I to go to a special event like that together.

I threw the paper away and went to bed.

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