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   "Joey! I'm here, I'm here!" I announced as I happily ran into her room. My smile disappeared when the scene unfolded in front of me. Namjoon, Yoongi, Hoseok, Suho and Seokjin followed. "... She's gone... He was here."

   "There's a hole in the wall," Seokjin approached the enormous hole by the bed. "There was a fight."

   "With who? Jimin is gone and so is Jungkook." Namjoon shook his head.

   "Did he kill them?" Hoseok ran his hand through his hair. Panic was all over his face.

   "We have to find them."

   "She's gone!" I repeated.

   "We know, V." Seokjin approached me yet tripped over something. He looked down to see a foot sticking out from under the bed. "What the--"

He pulled the body from under the bed to see Jungkook.

   "Is he alive?" Suho asks.

Seokjin nudges him.

   "Yeah, he's just sleeping." He shakes Jungkook and he slowly opens his eyes. 

   "She's gone. He took her."

   "Why didn't you protect her! That's the only reason why you're here! You're the strongest out of all of us! How could you let him take her away!" I yelled at him to the top of my lungs.

Tears brim his eyes. But strangely, I don't care.

   "I tried!" He screamed back as his voice cracked. "He was too strong! Much stronger! I didn't stand a chance! Then I got scared. Would you have rather that he killed me?!" He sat up.

   "I'd rather it be you than her."

I pushed Namjoon and Yoongi on my way out. "This can't be happening! This can't be happening!" I repeat as I pace the empty hallway. I feel my heart racing and my hands perspire. The familiar feeling consumes me all over again and it takes a lot just to calm myself down.

I press my forehead against the cold wall and take deep breaths. When my heartbeat goes back to normal, my anger then turns to sadness and my heavy breaths are replaced with whimpers as I think of Joey being gone from me.

My face leaks and they cool down my fiery red face. I clutch my heart hoping that the aches will go away but the pain refuses to leave and I slide down onto the floor, a crying mess.

The cries get louder by the minute, every time I think of her out there alone, unprotected and vulnerable. I wipe my eyes but the tears keep coming back. "Why?! Why does he always have to be two steps ahead?!" I ask Seokjin who's stepped out into the hallway to check on me.

   "V... I... I sincerely don't have an answer for that. But, we'll find her, I promise."

I shot up from my spot on the floor and grabbed his collar.

   "Why should I believe you?!" I yelled. "Ever since we've came back to this planet, it's just been empty promises from you! From all of you! I don't need your damn help!"

   "Wait--" He grabbed my fist.

   "Don't touch me! And don't talk to me! I'll find her all on my own!" I felt my stomach churn and let go of Seokjin's collar only to cover my mouth as I hurried to the nearest garbage can to regurgitate. I felt like I threw up everything until there was nothing more left.

   "I'm sorry, V." He patted my back. "I really am."

I pulled together all of my strength and stood.

   "Save it." I pulled away from his touch and walked down the hall to the door.

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