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   "Look who it is!" Byun Baekhyun exclaimed as he stood out of his chair, sucking on a piece of candy.

   "It's V!" Jongin finished.

I waved to them happily and stood by my cubicle.


   "Where have you been all of this time? We missed you! Even Kyungsoo missed you!" Baekhyun gestured to Kyungsoo who wasn't paying us any attention as usual, as he sipped on a cup of some hot liquid.

   "I've been sick." I explained. "I had to stay home and--"

   "Are you wearing contacts?" Baekhyun interrupted.

   "No." I shook my head. "What's a contact?"

   "Your eyes," he leaned forward to get a closer look. "They're blue."

   "I know. I didn't do anything to them. I don't know why they turned this color."

He smiled as he sat back down in his seat.

   "Welcome back, V."


   I tapped on the glass and gained the attention of my boss, almost instantly.
She turned her head and held up her hand, signaling for me to wait as she talked to a man in her office.

   They shook hands and the man left. He glanced in my direction and walked away.

She waved her hand for me to enter and I did. I closed the door behind myself and approached her desk.

   "Ms. Robinson..." I began.


   "Do you remember my name?"

   "Yes, I do. It's V... Isn't it?"

   "Yes." I nodded.

   "Is this why you came in here?" She put down the pen in her hand.

   "No. I wanted to give you these papers." I handed over a stack of parchment and sat it before her on her desk. "Is there anything else you'd like me to do?"

   "Umm..." She flipped through the papers and I looked at the pictures that occupied her desk. I picked up a photo of a small child.

She was beautiful with golden brown skin, a bright smile and wild curly hair.

   "She's adorable." I pointed at the happy little girl in the photo. "Who is she?"

   "That's my daughter." She replied with a smile. "Her name is Joelle. Isn't she pretty?"

   "Yes. She is." I agreed. "Do you have any other children?"

   "Yes. I have another daughter, she's a bit older than Joelle. I don't have a photo of her at the moment, though." She took the stack of parchment and placed it in a drawer behind her desk. "Since you weren't here for the past couple of days..." She said changing the subject. "I need you to catch up on your work from the past two days and please turn it in before the end of the week."

I nodded.

   "I'm not sure if I want offspring or not."

   "Pardon?" She lifted her head.

   "I said that I'm not sure if I want offspring or not. They're really cute, but I also understand that they're a lot of responsibility and very expensive. I, myself am just getting acquainted with earth's customs."

   "I understand that you came from outer space," she nodded.

   "Yes. I'm not sure if I'll be the best parent. Besides, I don't even know how to make one."

   "There's nothing to worry about, V. All adults thinking about children worry about the same things. So you're not alone."

   "My wife, Joey, says that she doesn't mind them. As long as I'm comfortable with it as well."

   "She's a very thoughtful woman."

   "She is." I nodded.


I sipped from my cup as Kyungsoo walked over to the water cart where I was standing.

   "Kyungsoo!" I said abruptly, startling him.


   "I need your help."

   "My help?" He furrowed his dark eyebrows. "What? You need help finding the restrooms again?"

   "No." I shook my head. "Are you good at finding people?"

   "Um... What are you trying to get at?"

   "I need your help to find someone."


   "The mother of my wife."

   "Nope. Can't help you."


   "If I help you, will you leave me alone?"

   "Yes, of course." I nodded. "Only if you want me to."

   "Fine, I'll help you. Just give me her name and the name of her parents if possible."

   "Thank you so much!" I hugged him.

   "Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Get off of me." He ordered.


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