Chapter 1

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"Subject 01. Age 4. Abilities shown, none present."

"Subject 01. Age 6. Abilities shown, slight ability to manipulate objects and defense mechanism."

"Subject 01. Age 9-"

I woke up panting. Gasping for air. Another nightmare. I thought I had gotten over the past, but it only shows memories are sometimes the enemies. I relived almost every second of those days in that cell. Never seeing my mother or father. Never wanting too.

I saw my reflection in the mirror by my bad, noticing the markings that crawled up my skin. They would appear if my body was found in a high stress position. A defense mechanism.

As I continued gasping for air I heard the door to my room open. "(Y/N)? Are you ok?" Tony had entered as my breathing slowed a bit at the sound of his voice.

"Yes. I'm fine. Just a nightmare. You can go back to sleep." I had almost completely calmed myself at this point, the shaking close to ceasing. Tony stepped in more and sat on the side of my bed.

"Was it the same one?"

I just nodded and looked down.

"You know we're here right? We won't let them hurt you, kid." He rubbed my back as I let out a sniffle. My parents.

"Y-yeah.." I trailed off, looking down at my hands and saw the marks had disappeared. "You don't have to lay a hand on me. You know what happens-"

"I trust you to be calm enough and to control it better than before. Get some more rest. There's more training in the morning." He patted my head as he walked towards my door again. He looked over his shoulder, smiled, and left.


I was awake. Not dreaming the rest of the night but resting so I could train in the morning. I stood up and looked at my sloppy appearance in my mirror. My hair was knotted and greasy, most likely from the rolling and turning in my sleep. My nightgown was clinging to my body. Clearly I needed a shower.

The water was dripping down my back, the warmth washing away the stench of fear from the previous night. My hair straightening and being cleansed of the same smell. As I dried myself off I looked at my phone, notifying me it was time to go to practice.

I ran down to the training room, dressed in comfortable clothing. Only to find it..empty? Tony should've been in here by now?

"(Y/N)?" I heard Steve's voice. "What are you doing up? Didn't Tony tell you? There's a mission in Mid East. No training today. It's a free day for you guys."

I sighed. Free days were the worst for me. "Can't you train me today Steve? Please?"

"Sorry sweetie. I gotta go help the rest of the team. Don't worry, everything's locked up so no one can come in and-"

"Take me..."

"(Y/N) you know you have to be on the down low until we figure out a way to keep you here without the bastards being able to touch you. I promise it'll-"

"Be soon?" I finished his sentence looking towards him. He nodded and come over to me. He put his hand on my shoulder and looked down at me, towering over me in height.

"I know it's hard. But we just want you safe. You remember how you were when we found you and we just can't bear to see you like that again ok? Just be patient. It'll be soon ok?"

I nodded as Steve pecked my forehead and rustled my hair. And like that he was gone too.


Again. I walked to the kitchen, my bare feet causing the room to echo. The absence of my new family. I felt myself yearning for the presence of someone but I knew the feeling of abandonment all too well.


"The hell..?" I mumbled as the noise rumble the ground beneath me.

"HELP!" A man's voice? "PLEASE HELP ME!"

I couldn't leave...

I couldn't...

I had to stay put.


I opened the shields and looked out to see a man dressed in all black and a green cape. His hair was long and black, and he looked injured. His voice was ringing through the field.

I had to help...

I opened the door and rushed to him as I saw him collapse. I sat by him as he breathed heavily. "Are you ok?" I spoke softly, trying not to startle the man. His eyes were closing. I saw nothing running after him. I picked him up, using my ability to lift him in the air. I felt the strain but I was able to get him into the building and lock it back up.

I laid him in my bed, I put my hand on his head. Pain. He was in pain. I could sense the pain that was going through his leg, it was broken. I felt the break in my own leg and groaned in agony. I ran to the medical ward and took him with me, supporting his leg more knowing that it had a break.

He was still unconscious, most likely from the shock the pain caused him. I laid his body on the exam table, hooking up morphine into his veins. All the knowledge seemingly coming naturally from how many times I had to help one of the family's injuries after a mission. This was nothing new.

I began positioning his leg so the bone was lined evenly and began wrapping it in casting material, hoping to help it heal right. And that was all I could do until he woke up and told me who he was. What he was. I sat in a chair next to the table, rubbing his head and sending his pain going down dramatically.

He would be awake soon.



Not alone.

His eyes were blue. Beautiful blue. Blinding blue. Raven hair. Beautiful.

A god...or so he looked.

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