Chapter 3

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"I'm sorry! I meant to do it right! Mama I'm sorry!"


"Worthless! We can't use this chemical! She hasn't improved at all!" Mother screamed at father.

Tears. Pain. Agony.

"'d you get into the Avengers?" Loki snapped my thoughts away. He sat at the pilot seat, his eyes fixated on the endless void of space.

"It's a long story." My eyes were focused on my lap, my back against the side of the ship.

"Well considering we have three days, I'd think we have enough time." He spun the chair around, his eyes now on me.

"Why do you want to know?" I looked up, partially meeting his gaze.

"I'm bored." He shrugged.

I sighed and looked down at the scars on my wrist. Those chains...

"My parents. That's why." My eyes trailed over the scars that lined my wrists and arms.

"Were they 'heroes'?" He used quotation marks with his fingers.

I looked up and laughed at the thought. "Far from it."

"Than why were they-" He followed my eyes and looked at my wrists. He knew what they were from or so I assumed. "Oh.." He looked down, looking as if he was feeling guilt for ever asking. "Well if it makes it any better.." He pulled up his pant leg and pulled back his sleeve. The same pattern of scars lined his skin. He chuckled lightly. "You're not the only one who has scars from your parents."

I got up and sat next to him on the co-pilot seat. I rubbed my thumb over the scars that lined his skin. "Out of love?"

"Out of protection." He was now looking at his own wrists.


I focused my energy. Closed my eyes. Feeling the same pain he felt by getting those very scars. A familiar pain. The markings lined my hand.


They faded. His eyes widened as the scars disappeared, fading. As did my markings.

"How-" he seemed stunned, looking at his wrist carefully before looking at me.

"You said it yourself. Power." I looked up into his gaze.

"Why haven't you done it to yourself?" He looked back at my wrist, gripping it with his hand gently.

"I can't. I've tried. Believe me I have. I hate these scars. With every fiber of my being I hate them." I closed my eyes and I clenched my fists. "But I can't ever make them go away. I can control others. But never myself. That's this power you sense. The reason why.." I trailed off.

"So you can change peoples appearances? Or heal them?" He looked back at his wrist.

"I can make their physical pain stop or increase. I can alter certain aspects to make the pain go away. Alter the tissue slightly. But I've only ever used it for healing since I got to the Avengers. There are other things I can do. But I've never tried." I looked at his wrist as well.

"Why? Why not explore your full potential?"

"Because I'm not allowed out. Not according to Tony."

"I don't understand why though?"

"It doesn't matter now." I relaxed and sat back.


I looked up into his eyes once again, noticing the blue orbs piercing into me.

Those eyes.

I couldn't explain how they made me feel. Jealous? Envy? Warmth?

"You don't look like Thor you know." I said, trying to lighten the mood and move the focus from me. "I mean Thor has the blonde hair and your hair is blacker than your soul." I chuckled a little.

"We aren't blood." He said looking down. "We were raised as if we were. But I'm technically adopted." He looked back up. "What about you? Do you have any siblings?"


"No. At least none that I know of." I shrugged, keeping my face clear of emotion.

"Oh but those are the best siblings. The ones you don't know of. Cause than they smash your brother's all mighty hammer and decide to mess you both up." He rolled his eyes and leaned back against the seat. "Than they end up breaking your leg and possibly killing your people. And before you know it your landing in America right outside Avenger's headquarters. And then you meet a very odd but trustworthy girl." He smiled a little.

"That's gotta be a pain." I said, still looking in those damned eyes. He just let his smile turn to a smirk.

"It is. Literally." He chuckled. "But if I'm honest you're not the worst company to have after it happens." He said sincerely.



I pushed his chair as it spun around and he chuckled and a smile played on my lips.

Maybe this wouldn't be so bad. "Hey." He said grabbing my wrist as the chair stopped. "Thank you. No soul would've believed me. So thank you." He let go. "Tell me more about your powers."

"Well I can sense your body. What it does. Right now I can feel your heart beating. The pain in your leg. The tissues. The muscles. When you said you wanted to save Thor all I had to do was grab you and I could feel your heart beat faster if you were lying. I could feel tension if you were lying."


"And I wasn't. That's quite the power." He looked at me curiously.  "You should get some sleep." He leaned back in his seat. "We still got a while." I nodded and grabbed one of the blankets I packed. I rested my head against the chair and slowly dozed off.

Loki's POV

Should I? I could tell what was going on through her head and see what she isn't telling me. But should I? I looked at her relaxed figure.



She was peaceful. I shouldn't ruin that. Especially if I want her to help me. I could rest my eyes. It's not like things would go to hell if I did.

I closed my eyes.

Her breathe.



I opened my eyes quickly and rubbed them.

"On second thought I'll stay up a bit longer..."

Mortal Goddess (Loki X FemaleReader)Where stories live. Discover now