Chapter 9

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Blinding light. Even through this blindfold the light from the radiation machine burned my eyes. I felt my body ache in pain, burning through out my entire being. "I-Is it almost over?" I spoke softly, trying to keep any sign of agony out of my voice.

"Soon, darling. Soon."

I finished getting dressed and looked in the mirror. The markings had still not gone away. They were light, almost blending into my skin but slightly lighter. I sighed and walked out of the room, Loki was still asleep on the couch. I could just smack him on the head. Or kiss him awake. Neither seemed totally like a good idea. So I just left him and headed for the training area.

"So what's with the Lord of Thunder dude?" Valkrie spoke as she was working on her gadgets as I practiced more knife throwing.

"I know him from my home planet. He's a hero there. A lot of people look up to him." I straightened my arm and aimed.

"What about you?" As I threw the knife I flinched and missed the target completely into a wall.

"What about me?" I regained my composer and grabbed the next knife.

"Well I know you came here with Loki and every time you get in a fight I always seem to bust your ass out of it, but I barely know about your past."

"It's not the interesting." I threw the knife, just outside the center. "Bad parents. Bad parents die. Get adopted by superhero. Learn to use my powers for good."

"Is that you have those markings?"

I looked down at my hands. "Well that's complicated." I walked over to where she was sitting and sat in front of her. I put out my hands for her to see, the markings visible. Looking as if I had strange burn scars all over my arms, wrapping up them like vines. "These usually only ever appeared when I used my powers or when I got stressed. But now they stay like this and every time I've been getting stressed or flustered or even angry they light up. Like actually glow. I haven't tried using my powers since then." She looked at my arms curiously.

"Well try them on me, I got a little cut so it won't be like a big thing." She held out her hand, a little wound on her finger was visible.

"I guess...but if I end up hurting you please tell me. I seriously don't understand what's been happening lately." I grabbed her finger.


I felt a tingle in my finger as I reversed the cut on her finger. I pulled my hand away and it was gone. So good sign, my powers were still working normally. I sighed in relief. "Well that's a good sign right?" Valkyrie said, pulling me out of my state of thought.

"Yeah." I looked down. "But they're still there."

"I'm sure it'll be ok. Maybe using your powers so much they just kinda stuck? Not sure how it all works." She patted my head and chuckled. "But no matter what, you're still a kick ass knife thrower." She stood up and walked off, taking me a while to notice the bottle in her hand. I sat still at the table, playing with my hands to keep myself distracted.

"Hey." There he was.

"How long did you sleep this time?" I kept my eyes on my hand but I could feel his presence in the entrance.

"Not as long as you think. I just was waiting for her to leave. I wanted to see you alone." I rolled my eyes and stood up, keeping my eyes down.

"I don't really wanna talk until Thor is released and you actually show you care about him and me more then you do about this place." I felt his hand on my chin, lifting it to meet his eyes.

Damn it.

"You don't even want to talk about the kiss?" Why did he have to bring this up now?

"Not right now." My mask was cracking.

"What about the shower?" His lips turned into a smirk as he scanned my body, my cheeks got red as I pushed him away.

"Don't be a pig. I never wanted you to see me like that. I just want to go home. I haven't seen Tony or Steve in three weeks and I miss my family. You don't understand." I trailed off as I tried to keep myself from tearing up. "My only family-"

"They aren't you're family. Not blood." He interrupted me. My eyes were now full of tears and my face turned to rage as I raised my voice.

"Fuck you, Loki! You have no idea what it was like-"

"No idea what it's like to have been lied to your whole life and treated lesser by your supposed parents? To have your real family basically try killing you time and time again? To actually love your adoptive family?" He scoffed at me and turned around. "You think Thor actually cares about me or you? He only cares about making daddy proud."

"And you don't care about making your mom proud at all?" His clutched his hands into fists. "You want to lecture me about anything? Is that really what you want to do?!" I pushed on his back and he stood still.

"You don't know anything about my mother. Leave her out of this, (Y/N)."

"I know you cared about her! I know you actually cared when she died!" I pushed him again but before my hands met his back he turned around and grabbed my wrists. His eyes were filled with anger, but grief and guilt at the same time.

"Shut your mouth. Now." His grip got tighter and I started tugging away, but he wouldn't let go. "You want to talk about how hard it is for you? At least you have family who cares about you now. Who cares about me?! Huh?!" His grip was tighter and my anger disappeared as his eyes filled with tears. "You don't even care because Thor, as always, is more important then I will ever be!"

"Loki..." He let go and pushed me away. He turned around and his voice was monotone as he walked off without looking at me.

"I can't believe I fell for a mortal."

Mortal Goddess (Loki X FemaleReader)Where stories live. Discover now