Chapter 14

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(A/N: This is a lot shorter then my other chapters but I've been working so long that I figured to just release it then continue to make you all wait until I made it another 300 words, so enjoy~)

I grabbed the handle with all my strength trying to budge the hammer that belonged to the god of thunder. Everyone chuckled, and I fell back laughing as my family surrounded me.

"Ah young one. Some day-" Thor grabbed his hammer and twirled it with ease. "Some day I promise. You will be worthy." He patted my head and I smiled widely.

"So everyone understands right?" Thor spoke, snapping me from my thoughts. I just nodded as I untied Loki from his bondage. I leaned over to whisper in his ear.

"Promise me you'll be on that ship and not pull a trick?" I softly said in his ear. He just nodded and stood up. He went alongside his brother and began showing him the way to the ships while me, Valkyrie, and Banner all went to our respective tasks.

"(Y/N) I need you to gather as many weapons as possible, preferably guns please?" Valkyrie instructed as we made our way to the fighters cage. I simply walked off, breaking to the training area to find the weapons.

"Thor?" I grabbed at his arm before he went off to bed.

"Yes, young one?" He chuckled, knowing that I had pretty much despised being called that.

"Do you honestly believe I could be worthy enough to hold the hammer? It was really heavy and I don't think I'll ever be that strong." I looked down, feeling ashamed and weak.

Thor met my eye level and put a hand on my shoulder. "(Y/N), it isn't about your physical strength or the muscles you possess. It's about what you have done to show you are someone who will be pure in heart and would protect the ones you love at any cost to yourself. While you may be a bit smaller and feel like you are not capable, believe me. Anyone can wield the power. They just have to be worthy in heart. Not in brawn."

I filled my arms with as many weapons as I could hold, hoping this would be enough for the slaves that the Grand Master had kept in order for his entertainment. The ones he brutalized in order to fulfill his underlying desire of blood. I met Valkyrie and Banner by the entrance of the caged area.

"Ok you guys may want to stand back. Explosives aren't necessarily clean." She placed a type of bomb by the door and started backing up with us. It beeped slowly and would beep faster until a large boom rang and a hole had been created through the door.

"Revolution time.." Banner mumbled. Valkyrie disarmed the chips in the prisoners, making it so it was easy for them to escape and be armed with the weapons we had to supply.

I sat on the couch with my hands over my face. Everyone had quietly and quickly gone to sleep but I couldn't. I couldn't stand the nightmares anymore. Every night I'd see the room again and again, experience the pain and pure torment of my mind all over. Maybe if I could distract myself from the horrors I endured I'd be able to fall into a dreamless slumber or have the terror drowned out with sounds of the TV penetrating my subconscious.

I had the remote in hand as I looked through the different movies and TV shows that Netflix has to offer an insomniac like myself, with no solution I chose a one I had seen numerous times. No desire to indulge myself into a new plot, new characters, or mannerisms I had not grown accustomed too. I wish I found it easier to consume my time with new things but still adjusting to even being able to look at a television was a whole new experience in itself. Even if I had gained this access years before.

I twiddled with the remote, circling my long nails around the rubber buttons and going over each one. As the sounds of the television blended into a white noise, my eyes darted up feeling a presence with me in the room.

"Hey, you ok, kid?" Banner sat himself next to my side, a parental type concern had filled not only his voice but his entire demeanor. He had that cliche slouching posture to meet my eye level like I was a toddler, his eyes had softened almost to the point of puppy like, his hands rested on his knees and he kept his eyes on me to catch a slip in my own attitude. This was going to probably be a longer night then I originally planned.

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