Chapter 6

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"Subject 01 aged 12 shows unknown lines across skin when powers activate, lines are a bright red. Subject 02 aged 5 shows signs of possible telepathy."

I grabbed at my chest as I woke up, trying to get control of my breathing.



My breathing came back to a normal pace and I could feel slight relief. I threw my legs over the side of the bed as I leaned over and rubbed my face with both hands. I looked up, seeing the sun had come up already.

My bare feet touched the cold floor as I began walking towards to the bathroom to take a shower. I opened the door, half awake at this point and jumped back at what I saw. I covered my eyes as my face turned red, a shirtless Loki in front of me with only a towel around his waist.

"I-I'm sorry!" I backed up still holding my arm over my eyes and ran out. My face was completely red as I turned around and ran into the hallway. I stopped and started panting as I leaned against the wall in the hall. I ran my hand through my hair, my face still red as a strawberry.

"What the fuck happened to you?" I looked up to see Valkyrie, a girl who I had meet in the first week here, standing in front of me with a smug but concerned look.

I just chuckled as I stood up straight, feeling my face cool off. "Nothing you'd be interested in."

"Spill it."

I looked down, my body heating up. "I saw Loki shirtless.." I mumbled, hoping she wouldn't hear and would drop it. But when I looked up and saw her face, it was clear she heard. She was trying to hold back a laugh and it was obvious. I sighed. "Go ahead."

Her laughs echoed through the halls as she was now bent over, her eyes tearing up. "Oh poor (Y/N)! How sickly pale was he?!"

"H-hey he's not-"

She cut me off with her increased laughter.

"Come on.."

She stopped and stood up back up straight, wiping the tears from her eyes as she looked down at me. "I bet you did it on purpose."

"What?! Why would I do that?!" My face went right back to the crimson red it was previously, marking starting to crawl up my arms.

"Because it's obvious he likes you and you like him. I mean he never lets you out of his sight, and when you get thrown in as a warrior he freaks out and you can see the pain in his eyes I swear." For some reason, thinking that he worried about me that much and cared that much made me feel better. Calm even.

"We're friends. I mean as much of friends as we can get only knowing each other for two weeks." I pushed my hair back, noticing the markings went away.

"Love at first sight, right?" She patter my back, walking off as she passed by.


I started heading back for the living quarters that I've been cooped up in when I was gathering new 'warriors' and 'contestants' or when I was competing against them. Is it possible for me to fall in love with someone who put my family in harms way? Who caused such an uproar in super powered humans that experiments were taking place? Even if mine had begun before the attack on New York, the attack caused an increase of experiments and even increased my torture.

Someone who destroyed my city, who harmed the closest thing I had to family? No. But I could forgive him, at least for now. I made my way into the living room area as I pushed the door open.

"Loki?" No response. I sighed, he must not be here. Possibly out on some mission assigned by the Grand Master. I collapsed on the couch and held my head. "Get a grip of yourself. Valkyrie was just teasing. Loki doesn't like least not in that way..." I sighed heavily. "We'll be out of here soon. Once we defeat his sister and get Thor...for all I know he'll disappear again."

I closed my eyes as I tried to relax. "Besides..even if I did like him it wouldn't matter. There's no way someone like him would ever fall for me. The most I can ask is his friendship and be there for him." I felt myself dozing off. "Maybe.."

~Loki's POV~

I can't believe I took that long to get my clothes on what the hell is wrong with me?! I quickly put my clothes on and searched for (Y/N) But I couldn't find her. I began walking down the halls until I saw her, leaning against the wall. She seemed to be flustered. Her hair falling around her eyes, she actually looked quite adorable.

I sighed, I know now is not the time to confront her.

I've been sitting in the living room for a while, waiting for her to come back. But as soon as I heard her footsteps I made myself unseeable. There she stood, her hair still a mess and her eyes shining.

"Loki?" Her voice saying my name felt almost relieving. A wave of serenity washing over me. She sighed and sat on the couch. "Get a grip of yourself. Valkyrie was just teasing. Loki doesn't like least not in that way..."

What? What did Valkyrie say? What does she mean?

"We'll be out of here soon. Once we defeat his sister and get Thor...for all I know he'll disappear again."

For some reason I felt a sting in my chest. I didn't like the thought of leaving her side. Of never seeing her again. What was this pain?

"Besides..even if I did like him it wouldn't matter. There's no way someone like him would ever fall for me. The most I can ask is his friendship and be there for him."

But..why would she ever like me? Let alone love me in any capacity? She said it before. I'm the god of mischief. I'm not deserving of love.

"Maybe.." She curled up in a ball and fell asleep. I made myself visible and looked at her sleeping body. I sighed to myself, looking at her and I got on my knees so I could see her more clearly. I felt myself reaching to push her hair out of her face, but I stopped myself. What am I doing? I stood back up and began waking out. But not before I looked at her peaceful state of rest. I smiled to myself and left.

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