Chapter 7

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"Subject 01 age 13 lately has been receiving more intense experiments after the New York Attacks. Signs show ability to completely stop subject 02's heart for certain amounts of time as subject 02 is at age 7. Further tests with older subjects will take place soon."

"I know you're going to hate what I have to say." Loki spoke, his face looking down but his voice seemed to be dripping with amusement. I was in the training area, throwing knives at a target hoping to up my skills before facing the army that would be waiting for us in Asgard.

"Don't tell me it's another party." I pulled my arm back, looking at the target.

"Now how could you ever guess!" He started laughing. I extended my arm, pushing the knife from my hand and hitting close to the center.

"Because there's been three this week." I turned my head to him, his smile making my lips curl into one of my own.

"Well it's a good sign. If we socialize more and gain his trust more we can start sneaking out and not having you or me thrown into the arena." He put his hand on my shoulder as my smile dropped a little.

"I know. But you know I'm impatient. We don't even know where Thor is, how to get out, or what we will do when we get to Asgard. Or even how much time it has been outside of this place." His gripped tightened and he pulled me into a hug. Unexpected, but warm and welcomed. I wrapped my arms around him and felt myself relax as I heard his heartbeat in my ear.

"Everything will be ok. I promise." He let go and looked down at me, his eyes were so hypotonic. Ever since I first saw them I always found myself getting lost in them. I wanted to lean in, I wanted to so badly. But I stopped. A voice rang in my head.

Remember New York.

I looked away and grabbed another knife off the table.

"I hope you're right." I pulled my arm back again. "Because we gotta get out of here. Tony will be pissed if I'm not back before they get back." I aimed and threw the knife, hitting dead center this time.

Later that day I was looking through the empty closet, for any sign of any other clothing. You'd think that for a Grand Master he'd give you more clothes for his stupid parties. I sighed as I sat on the bed roughly. I rubbed my head lightly, trying to keep my mind in one piece.

So much has happened since I left home. I don't even know how long I've been gone for them. Days, weeks, months? Not to mention my feelings for Loki getting in the way. I know I have them. I know that they are there. But that doesn't mean I have to act on them. I can't forget what he has done to what I have as family.

But I can't help myself from thinking that he's changed. He seems to genuinely care about Thor and how to save his people. He seems to care about me.

"You're lighting up." I heard the God's voice. I pulled my hands down, notching the markings now glowing. For the past week they have become brighter. Almost like they were lighting up. And of course happening more often with less stress required to trigger it. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Just thinking." I looked up, seeing him leaned against the wall.

"Thinking about what?"


"Do I have to be honest with you?" I chuckled as I straightened my back.

"Of course you have to. Or else I'd just have to look in your mind instead." He walked over so that he was now in front of me. He towered over me as I was sitting down and I couldn't help but feel my heart beat a little faster.

"You're not supposed to do that, jerk." I was trying to keep whatever uneasiness deep down but some spilled in my voice.

"Try me." He kneeled so that he was now just slightly taller. "Now spill it."

"I was thinking about.."


"I was thinking about you.."

Damn it.

"Me?" His eyes widened a little. "What about me?" His face was woven with curiosity. I looked down as my face felt hotter.

"I don't really want to talk about it, Loki. I'm sorry I'm just not comfortable with it yet." I kept my eyes away from his, knowing that one of these times I wouldn't be able to stop myself like before. I felt his hand on my chin, pulling my gaze towards his.

"It's about having feelings for me isn't it?" His eyes were stern now. "I heard you talking about it. How you couldn't have feelings for me." My face dropped, a sense of guilt washing over me. "That I'd disappear and wouldn't have feelings for you." He was leaning in, his eyes trailed to my lips. "If that's what you think, you're very naive." My eyes trailed to his and I felt myself leaning in again as his hand moved to my cheek. "In fact, I do have feelings for you. And I can't imagine disappearing any time soon." His voice trailed off as I felt his lips press against mine. His hand was still on my burning his cheek but his cold skin felt soothing.

I felt my arms wrap around his neck before he pulled away from the kiss. His eyes were still locked on mine. "You made my thoughts more complicated now." I chuckled followed by a sigh. "You have no idea how hard it's been to understand why I feel this way. If I should even feel this way." He pulled me up, I was now standing up with him.

"(Y/N) you're not alone on that. But I can't stop. I keep thinking about it and I'm sorry. But it's driving me crazy." He leaned over for another kiss, my arms wrapping around him tighter as this kiss became more heavy and heated.

A knock pulled us both out of the moment and the realization of what was happening hit me like a ton of bricks. I unwrapped my arms and felt my face become a heated mess. "I-I'll go g-get that!" I rushed over and opened the door to see the Grand Master's little servant, Topaz.

"The party is starting. I will assist you over. But we have to hurry, the grandmaster has new meat to show off for this one."

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