Chapter 3- Troll in the Dungeon (3 Years Ago)

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I knocked on the door and heard a monotone "Come in"

I opened the door and walked into the office. "You wanted to see me?"

"Sit." I did so sitting in the chair across from him. Potions decorated the walls around us. "Why were you with them and that troll?" He continued with his work as he spoke and listened.

"Why were you cursing Harry's broom?" I asked. If he expected an answer, then so did I.

"That is not why I called you here Serena. Now tell me."

If I had been even a year older I probably would have asked 'since when did you care?' But I was still at my young age of 11 and had not yet acquired an attitude. My answer came out quick due to nervousness

"Well Hermione was upset so I was comforting her and when we were heading out the troll came in and started attacking us."

"I told you Serena, stay away from those Gryffindors."

"But why? They're nice and-"

"And what? If you wanted them as friends then you should have stayed in Gryffindor when the hat sorted you there." He finally looked up and at me for the first time since I entered his office. It scared me and I had to look away.

"I made the hat switch me because I knew you wouldn't approve of me if I was in Gryffindor."

"Serena, you shouldn't live your life based on what others think." He returned to his work. "You are dismissed." I teared up and why not? It's not like he was watching. It's not like he could see. It's not like he even cared. I got up and rushed to the door.

"And Serena," he began as I reached the door. "I wasn't cursing his broom. Don't you ever again accuse me of hurting a student. Do you understand me?" I could feel his black pits of eyes baring down on me.

"Yes sir.." I twisted the handle on the door and got out of there as quick as I could.

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