Chapter 5- Get Out (2 Years Ago)

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I knocked on his door and entered shortly after I heard a 'come in'.

"We need to talk." He looked at me shocked.

"You can't be in here! This is the boy's dormitory!" Draco quickly stood up.

"I don't care! I was waiting in the common room for an hour for you. Didn't you get my note?"

"Yeah, but...."

"But what?"

"But I kind of wanted to avoid this...."

"Avoid this? You brought this on yourself Draco. What was with that comment you made on the train?"

"The one right before you rushed out? I was just mad, ok?"

"It was just a joke! Learn to have a little fun Draco."

"And it was just a comment. Learn to relax a little Serena. I know you-" Draco fell silent.

"You know I what? Come on, tell me!"

"Miss Serena Snape." I jumped and turned around frightened. So that's why Draco fell silent. My father was standing right there in the doorway looking down at us. "This is not your room. Get out."

I nodded and hurried from the room.


I tried to focus in potions class, I really did, but I couldn't help but glance up at my father occasionally. Each time I was met with a look of disappointment which forced my eyes to return to my textbook. I had always pushed the rules a bit here and there, although my father would always refer to it as ignoring them. Either way, this was probably the worst. At least at home he'd be at work or I could lock myself in my room or just run out the door. Here I still had to attend potions class and see his disapointment.

"Class dismissed." My father said in his usual monotone voice. "Serena, I'd like to speak to you."

I groaned to myself and put my books back down on my table and waited for the classroom to empty.

"Serena, would you care to explain to me why you were out of your dormitory and in that of Mr. Malfoy's?" At this point I began to notice that he called all of his students by their last names. Mr. Malfoy, Mr. Potter, Miss. Granger. Everyone except for me. Was he ashamed to announce his own name when addressing someone else even if that someone else is his own daughter?

"I just wanted to talk to Draco." I responded.

"About what?"

"....." I couldn't really tell him that I was effected so much by being called his 'little princess'. He'd laugh for sure and I'd have to work twice as hard to get his respect back.

"Serena either you tell me why or you'll have detentions."

"I-I wanted him to help me study for a test..." I hated lying more than I hated Draco's comment.

I watched him nod and stare at me. Could he see my sweaty palms? Could he hear my quick beating heart. Yes, he could. "Detention."

I quickly nodded and hurried out. It was bad enough he was disappointed in me for breaking the rules, but now lying was added to the list. I wanted to break down crying. I wanted to break a wall. I wanted to throw a tantrum. But most of all, I just wanted to be back home and away from all this.


I sat at dinner in my usual spot: next to Draco and across from Crabbe and Goyle. They already knew about my detention (which, by the way, had turned into a week's worth) along with the rest of Slytherin.

"I can't believe he actually gave you detention." Draco said pushing his food around with his fork.

"Ya, what'd you do?" Goyle grabbed a cookie and stuffed it into his mouth alongside the other two.

"I told you. It was because I was in the boys dormitory."

"Detention for a week just because of that?" Draco looked up from his food and at me, I returned the look.

"Yes. He's stricter with me idiot." I returned to my food and tried to think of a way to change the conversation. "I heard the Chamber of Secrets will be opened again."

"Ya, you and the rest of the school." Crabbe.

"Everyone saw the blood message." Goyle.

"Well, at least Slytherin is safe." I smirked. "No mud bloods here."

We all laughed.

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