Chapter 11- Hogsmeade (1 Year Ago)

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I watched from one end of the courtyard sadly as practically the whole school headed off to Hogsmeade. I was to stay here and, when they come back, be secretly jealous of their stories. I sighed and headed back inside, cold. 

"Tell me again why you refused to sign my permission form?" I asked opening the door to my father's office. 

"Because your time can better be spent here. Sit down please." He instructed without looking up from his papers. I did so. "I'd like you to make me a vile of draught of peace."

"The anxiety potion? Why?"

"Serena..." His warning tone again.

I sighed and got to work assembling the needed ingredients. I hated never having the right to know what my father was up to with all the potions he has me brew. Each time it's a different potion, and each time the reason behind the making of it was hidden. "I'd rather try making draught of living dead." I muttered under my breath.

"With time Serena." I began to brew draught of peace.


I sat with my friends in the great hall after hours of attempting draught of peace and, according to my father, 'making mistakes'. I believed it was perfect each time.

"You three are awfully quiet. How was Hogsmeade? You're usually blabbing my ears off about it by now." I looked at them, each just staring down at their food and not a single one responding. "Guys c'mon. I may be jealous each time, but I'm still curious."

"We don't want to talk about it, ok??" Draco's sudden tone of voice shocked me. He seemed angry, but also bothered by something. 

"Fine. I was just asking." I watched Draco get up and leave before turning my attention to Crabbe and Goyle. "What's got him so worked up?"

"Should we tell her?" Goyle whispered to Crabbe a little too loudly.

"No!" Crabbe responded before shoveling more food into his mouth.

"Tell me what?" I looked from one of them to the other, more curious than I had ever been before. 

"Nothing." Crabbe spoke through the food in his mouth.

"Meet me in the dungeons." Goyle mouthed when Crabbe wasn't looking. "I'll tell you."


"At the shreiking shack," Goyle began as we stood in the dungeons, "Something attacked us."

"What was it?" I asked curiously. 

"That's the thing. We couldn't see it."

"So it was a ghost?"

"Ghost don't exist silly." He punched my arm lightly and we laughed a bit.

"Then what was it if not a ghost?"

"My guess, Potter. It, or he, dragged Draco towards the shreiking shack. Nearly scared the life out of him."

My smile immediatly dissapeared. "I'll be back." I began to walk away when Goyle grabbed my arm.

"But it's nearly lights out."

"Don't worry. I won't be long."


"Potter!" I yelled as I stormed into the Gryffindor common room. 

He sat on the couch with Ron and Hermione, all of which looked at me in shock.

"How'd you get in here? You're a Slytherin!" Ron stuttered slightly.

"Oh please, all I had to do was slip in after a first year." I turned my attention back to Harry, hiding my wand under my cape. I began toward him and watched him back up until his back hit a wall. I drew my wand and put it to his throat. "That stunt you pulled back at the shreiking shack today, if you ever so much as think about doing that again, I'll have you expelled!"

"You can't do that." I looked over my shoulder to see Hermione smirking behind me.

"I may not be able to, but my father sure can. I'll call it, bullying."

"And why don't we just report you for beingin the common room of another house?"

"Because you have no proof." I quickly apparated myself back to the Slytherin common room and hurried off to my dormitory. 

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