Chapter 10- Defense Against the Dark Arts (1 Year Ago)

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It was all great fun. The beginning was a little akward though. We were practicing how to use the spell riddikulus in case of a bogart. Longbottom of course is afraid of my father (who wouldn't be if they hadn't grown up with him). He put his grandmother's clothes on him. Talk about akward. 

My turn came up quickly and I lauughed as I watched the deflated balloon fly around the room after professor Lupin had done Harry's turn for him. The balloon stopped in front of me and turned into a black blob. This black blob grew bigger with every passing moment and, before I had a chance to draw my wand, it engulfed me. I clasped my hands over my mouth and squeezed my eyes shut in fear. 'Think Serena. Think. Get yourself out of here.' I thought to myself. I opened my eyes to the darkness beyond them and took some deep breaths. What would make darkness amusing? How did I make it through the blackout on the train? Draco was there. That's how. I need to think of something else. That's it!

I raised my wand, took a few breaths, and repeated the spell "Riddikulus!" The blackness around me turned into a 360 degree theatre showing one of my first memories: my father holding me as a toddler and tickling me mercilessly. I laughed at the memory, still feeling the tickles inside me, and the blob released me.

I walked back to my friends, proud of myself for facing my fear. By the look on everyone else's faces, they hadn't seen what was happening in the blob. Or my memory. 

"You're afraid of the dark?" Draco asked shocked.

"Um...ya." I looked down remembering his comment from the train. 

"But, all that your family wears is black. And your whole house is black too." Crabbe commented a little too loud for my pleasing.

I glared at him. "And how do you know what my house looks like?" He merely pointed at Draco.

"It slipped out during our first year. Sorry."


A few days later, I sat with Draco back in my Defense Against the Dark Arts class. We hadn't spoken for a while. Not since our last class with the riddikulus spell. Apparently being afraid of the dark was a 'childish' fear. But he didn't understand what I endured as a young child. What he made me endure...

A dark figure stormed into the room, closing the windows and pulling down the projector screen. Father. "Turn to page 394." He commanded. "Now," he continued, "which one of you can tell me the difference between an animagous and a werewolf." Hermoine's hand shot right up. Of course. "No one? How dissapointing. Serena."

"Simple. An animagous is a wizard who chooses to turn into an animal. A werewolf has no choice." I replied trying to sound as confident as I could. Wait, or was it the other way around?

Very good."

"Sir, I think it was neglected that with each full moon-" Hermoine went on and on. God, that girl has to answer every question, doesn't she? I felt something slip into my palm as it rested on the desk. I looked and sitting there was a piece of notebook paper all folded up. 

I looked at Draco who mouthed 'open it'. I unfolded the small piece of paper and inside a small cartoon played. It was of my father dismissing class and the two of us going to one of the smaller, more private hallways and talking. I looked back up at him and nodded.


After class, I waited in the small hallway for Draco. Where was he? At the end of the hall, a figure ran around the corner and down the hall with its black cape following and a spot of blonde on his head.

"There you are. I was starting to get worried." I smiled at him. Another urge rose up inside of me, like the one from when we were in the hospital wing. Excpet this one wanted me to kiss him. I couldn't do that! 

"Sorry. Had to get Crabbe and Goyle off my back. I was finally able to distract them with some food." He smiled back at me.

"Well, those boys sure do love to eat." I chuckled before becoming serious. "I'm guessing you want to talk about what happened with the bogart...?"

"Yeah, about that, I had no idea. If I had known I wouldn't have made that comment on the train." He grabbed my shoulders firmly, but kindly. Every nerve in my body went on edge and I could feel my heart trying to beat its way out of my chest. "You're my best friend Serena. I've known you for as long as I can remember. Hell, you're like a sister to me! I'd never do anything to hurt you."

I nodded, sadly. Did I just get friend-zoned? Or family-zoned? I think I got both, but I'm not quite sure which one is worse. I guess the family one because that's damn near impossible to get out of. I found myself staring at his shoes. 

"Serena? Are you ok?" He asked bending down so his face was in my frame of view.

"Yeah. Just feel sick all of a sudden. Please excuse me." 

I hurried off to my father's office as quick as my feet could carry me. But, why? I didn't actually feeel sick. More like betrayed even though I had no reson to feel that way. It was too late to back down now, too late to head back to my dormitory. My hand had already found the door and knocked on it. I needed to come up with an excuse, fast!

"Yes Serena?" He asked in his boring monotone voice.

"Two rows of parchment by tomorrow? Seriously??" My voice came out louder and angrier than I intended. 

"Serena..." It was his warning tone, the one that said 'behave or else'. God I hated that tone. 

"Sorry." I muttered. "It's just, well, that's a lot."

"I'm sure if you fully focus it shouldn't take you more than a few hours." He shut the door.

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