Chapter 17-The Sleep

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(fyi, this takes place right after chapter 1)

Music flared up as Potter, Cedric, and Serena showed up. Where did Serena come from? Surely she wasn't in the maze. And why was she with Potter? Only after a few moments did a scream errupt and the music died down. I could overhear a man whisper to Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape 'a student has just been killed'. "Serena?" I stood up, trying to see if it was Cedric or Serena. They both looked dead. No, Serena couldn't be dead. Please god don't let her be dead.

I pushed my way through the crowd to the front. I would have gone further but some Crabbe and Goyle held me back. Potter was swiftly taken away and Cedric and Serena were carried off. I pushed through the crowd, trying to fight my way off and follow Dumbledore and Snape as they carried the two limp bodies. By the time I caught up to them in the hospital wing, they had figured out which one was dead and which one could still be saved.

"Looks like young Mr. Cedric here was a victim of the killing curse. Ms. Snape on the other hand is under the Migluss curse." Ms. Pomfrey informed the professors hovered around the two bodies. The man whom I assumed to be Cedric's father began to sob over the boy.

"So she can be cured." Snape asked.

"Yes. I'm sure you know the potion Severus."

He nodded. "I have all the ingrediants I need, except her mother's blood."

"Her mother's blood?" I asked. Wrong move, their attention all turned to me. I guess they didn't hear me come in.

"Yes Mr. Malfoy. Her mother's blood. To cure the Migluss curse, the potion requires the blood of both parents. That is, if you want to make the more simple potion." He turned his attention back to Dumbledore. "Her mother died before she got the chance to meet Serena. I can brew the secondary potion, however."

Ms. Pomfrey spoke up. "The secondary potion? But that's a dangerous one. One small mistake and the girl-"

"Dies. I know. But if I do nothing she'll die anyway." From the side, I could see Snape give a look to Serena that I had never seen him wear before. It seemed to be a look of worry and care. Snape has the power to care?

Potter's POV

I sat there by her bedside. She looked so peaceful for once in her life. All the finals were over and nearly everyone else had made their way down to the docks. Well, everyone but Malfoy, Professor Snape, and me.

"Serena," I whispered, "Why did you do it? Why are you always saving me?" She didn't answer, I didn't expect her to. The only sign of life she showed was the slight rise and fall of her chest as she breathed. Professor Pomfrey had out an IV in her arm so she wouldn't starve or become dehydrated and her school clothes had been changed to a hospital gown. With both my parents dead, I knew that if it was me under that curse I'd never wake up, but I still felt a pang of guilt whenever I looked at her. Because of me, because I'm the boy who lived, he who shall not be named is out to kill me. And because of that, she, for some reason I'll never understand, protected me. Saved me.

"Mr. Potter." Behind me stood her father. A tall man with black hair down to his shoulders and black robes. Professor Snape. "Your classmates are waiting for you down at the docks. You should go." I looked back at her nearly lifeless body. I never realized how much she resembled him: black hair to her shoulders, same bored expression as she slept.

"When will she wake up?"

"That is none of your concern Potter. Now run along."

I stood up and turned to face him. Somehow, I didn't feel scared or threatened by him like I normally have. No, something about him was different. "When she does wake up, could you have her send me a letter?" I couldn't tell what his response was as he nod was ever so slight, but I took it anyway.

Snape's POV

I took Potter's seat beside Serena's bed as he hurried off and took her hand in mine.

"What have you done Serena?" I shook my head. "Enjoy your little 'nap', because once you wake up the dark lord will make this world hell for you." I held her hand tighter feeling my eyes begin to drown in tears. Because of the potion I now had to make, I knew my visits to her this summer would be scarce, and that scared me. It scared me because I would not be able to sit here and protect her from anyone. The only thing that comforts me a bit is that Dumbledore has promised to enchant the room so that no one but myself, him, Professor Pomfrey, or the occasional Draco could enter.

"I love you Serena, never think differently." I kissed my daughter on the forehead and hurried off to my chamber to begin work on the potion.

Draco's POV

I visited her every Saturday. I wished for it to be everyday, but mother would not allow it. She said there were chores to be done and responsibilities to uphold. I savored every moment we had together, even with father watching us from the doorway.

I told her about my week, about how lonely this summer felt compared to last where there was hardly a moment when we didn't see each other. I told her about what was going on in the world, something I'd never normally talk about but when you're having a one sided conversation, you run out of things to talk about fast. I'd usually spend the last part of my Saturday staring at her, wishing for her to wake up that moment.

On this week, only a week before the start of the semester, this is not how my Saturday ended. It was cut short by Professor Snape rushing in and to her IV to pour a potion in it.

"Is that it? Is that the potion to save her?" I asked as I watched the purple liquid make its way through the IV and into her vein.

"It better be." He responded as he watched from across the bed. "Or I've just killed her..."

Serena's POV

It felt like a completely different world. One of which was dark, cold, and silent. I was starving, but could not eat. I was exhausted, but could not sleep. I was freezing, alone, and scared, but there was nothing I could do about it. I wanted to die. Now I realize why Voldemort wanted to cast this curse on Potter. This torture went on for what felt like years. I was able to thoroughly go through how to cast every spell I knew, and how to brew every potion I could brew. And at the end of the enormous list, I was still trapped in that different world.

I would try numerous times to open my eyes, twitch a finger, do any kind of movement to prove to myself that I was alive. I tried so hard sometimes until I was ten times as exhausted as I had been when I started. However, one time I tried, I was successful.

At first it was a twitch of a finger. Then the opening and closing of my hands. Then the wiggling of my feet. I moved as much of my body as I could until I was finally able to open my eyes.

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