Chapter 5

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As soon as Brad opened the door the sound of music and the smell of cheap alcohol engulfed me and made my already sweaty palms feel completely soaked

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As soon as Brad opened the door the sound of music and the smell of cheap alcohol engulfed me and made my already sweaty palms feel completely soaked.

Brad looked at me before he stepped in and headed straight for the living room, presumably to the center of the party. I followed close behind him, like a child afraid of losing their parent in a crowd of strangers.

We reached a huge living room packed with people dancing, or at least what I assumed was supposed to be dancing. Brad grasped my hand and shot me a smile before he pulled me with him past the dancing couples and towards a drink table.

He poured some liquid into two red solo cups and handed me one. I sniffed as I looked down into the cup, the slightly yellow liquid not looking welcoming at all. I raised the cup to my lips and took a sip but immediately coughed and grimaced.

"Oh god, what is that?" I exclaimed as I placed the cup down on the drink table.

"I actually don't know" Brad admitted and chuckled at my sour expression as he put his cup away.

I felt my lips twitch into a small smile against my will, but it quickly faded when I saw Brad's smile turn upside down into a frown as he looked at something behind me. I threw a glance over my right shoulder to see what he was looking at. My eyes turned into smalls slits as Tris raised his red cup and nodded, a smirk ever so prominent atop of his annoyingly good looking face.

I whipped around to face Brad, my blood already boiling in my veins just by looking at the blond bully. "I want to leave. Now" I stated

"What, but you promised-"

"I kept my promise, Brad" I cut him off as I searched his eyes, hoping that he would understand as I continued speaking. "I came to the party and I'm sorry but I don't enjoy it, parties just aren't my thing I guess. And do I even have to mention your friends, I don't know if I can stand even just being in the same room as them"

"But, I don't want you to leave. Please, just give me an hour! Stay an hour, and if you still want to leave I won't object" Brad blurted out.

I took my bottom lip between my teeth and chewed down on it as I lowered my gaze. Had he just said he wanted me to stay? Why?

I could suddenly feel Brad's warm hands take a hold of my smaller ones, and I looked at our hands in shock. I know I should have pulled my hands away from his, but for some odd reason I liked the feeling of his warm hands around mine and his fingers weaving through mine. It made me feel all warm and safe.

I tilted my head back to look up at him. "Brad, I-"

"Do it for me" Brad cut me off as his brown eyes bore into mine. "[Y/N], I get that you don't like me, and I'm probably the last person you would like to spend your Friday night with. But you promised, you promised you would be here with me tonight. I know you did it just so that I would convince the others to leave Zach alone, but I would've done that anyways, with or without the deal" he confessed as he mindlessly traced small circles on the back of my hand with the pad of his thumb. "Look, I won't force you to stay, you can leave if you want I'll still tell Tris and the others to stop bothering Zach. But I'm asking you to stay, for me"

I stared into his eyes in shock and disbelief. Had he just said all that? Had Brad Simpson, the boy I thought didn't even know I existed say that he wanted me to stay? I had to admit that I was shocked at this new revelation, especially since I thought he was just some thick headed bully.

But since he had just shared this new information with me shouldn't I at least keep my part of the deal? My mind was a mess and before I could even comprehend what I was doing I brushed his hands off of mine and gave a small nod.

"One hour"

Brad's face broke out into a smile. "Good, one hour is all I need"

"All you need for wh-" I began but before I had the chance to finish my sentence Brad had grasped my hand yet again and pulled me with him. "Wait, what are you doing?" I asked as I struggled to keep up with him.

"We're going to dance"

He looked at me and a smile graced his features as he dragged me with him towards the centre of the packed living room.

"Dance? I can't dance!" I shouted to be heard over the loud music.

"Sure you can!" Brad responded and brought us to a halt as we reached the make shift dance floor.

My eyes widened as I looked at the couple next to us. "Are you sure they're dancing?" I asked as I gestured towards the pair.

Brad chuckled and turned his eyes to look at me. "Perhaps they were a few minutes ago"

I looked at the couple that were grinding up against each other with a mortified expression. I took a step to get away from them but instead ended up bumping into yet another couple.

"It sure is crowded" I mumbled under my breath as I was pressed up on both sides.

Someone suddenly bumped into me and I stumbled and hooked my left foot behind my right one. I let out a small shriek and squeezed my eyes shut as I tumbled towards the floor.

But before I could meet my not so pleasant destiny I could feel a strong arm wrap around my waist. A small sigh of relief slipped past my lips as my savior pulled me up straight. I slowly opened my eyes to see Brad's worried gaze.

"Are you alright?" He questioned, his face just mere inches away from mine.

"Y-yeah, thank you" I stammered out as I stared at his face.

I couldn't help but to admire his surprisingly handsome features. My eyes travelled all over his face, from his chin, up to his cheeks and nose before they made a quick detour towards his lips. I could feel my cheeks take on a deep shade of pink and I quickly averted my gaze away from his pink soft looking lips and to his striking brown eyes.

I'm already tired of school...

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