Final Chapter

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[Brad's POV]

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[Brad's POV]

You stared at me with your lips slightly parted in surprise when you noticed the tears brimming over in my eyes.

I quickly averted my gaze from yours and began to slowly walk along the shoreline, with you trailing a few steps behind me.

"The first thing that surprised me was how you time after time rejected me, and I knew it was mainly because of Zach. I had noticed on numerous occasions how you defended him when we made fun of him, and I'm sorry for that. I shouldn't have treated him that way" I said as I kicked up a small cloud of sand with the tip of my shoe.

I turned to look at you as we came to a stop and took a deep breath before I preceded to talk. "You drew me in, Y/N. I felt like I couldn't back down from the challenge. A part of it was because Tris would surely humiliate me if I didn't succeed, but it was also because of you... There was something I can't explain that pulled me towards you, and I just knew that I had to get to know you

I never realised the mistake I had made until we came here after the party that Friday. First then I understood the mistake I had made by taking that bet. But I told myself that if I just kept on being with you for a while longer then it would all just go away, and just like that I had completely forgotten all about the game" I looked up from where I had been staring down at my shoes and saw you staring off into the distance with a frown present upon your beautiful features.

"I fell for you, Y/N, and I fell hard. The guilt of what I was putting you through tore me apart. I knew what I did was wrong but I couldn't tell you the truth. I was scared that I would lose you if you ever found out about the real reason as to why I actually asked you out. I just want you to know that when we spent the night together I did it because I wanted to. I wanted to be near you, it wasn't because of the bet. I left when you were asleep to talk to Tris. I finally caught up to him at school and told him that I didn't want to be apart of his stupid game, but he just laughed and told me to take the money since I had fulfilled the bet after all. And that was w-"

[Your POV]

"What I heard in the hall" I finished as I turned to look at Brad.

Brad nodded slowly as his eyes locked with mine.

"That's the whole truth, and I guess you can do whatever you want with it" he mumbled as his chest deflated and he turned his gaze to look out over the water.

"All you said about you actually loving me, was it true after all then?" I asked as my eyes welled over with tears for what felt like the millionth time. I bit down hard on my bottom lip as I stared at his profile.

"Yes" Brad turned his head to the side so that he could look at me as he spoke, his eyes full of unspoken words. "I never lied about loving you, Y/N. I still love you" he said as a sorrowful smile graced his pink lips.

"I-I don't know if I can ever trust you again. Not after this. You broke my heart, Brad. I've never experienced such a pain in my life" I said as my eyes darted back and forth between his. "I don't know if I can let you in, I don't want to have my heart broken by you again" I croaked out as tears spilled from my eyes and down my cheeks.

Brad's bottom lip quivered slightly as he blinked away the tears forming in his eyes. "I understand" he mumbled as he lowered his gaze. "I'll leave" he turned his back to me and began to walk back the way from which we came.

I looked after him as the tears falling from my eyes blurred my vision and the wind blew a few stray pieces of hair into my face, and making it stick to my tearstained cheeks.

Everything I had experienced with Brad came back in a rush as I stared at his back, and my heart ached yet again.

"Brad, wait!" I yelled over the sound of the wind howling and the waves crashing against the shore.

Brad stopped in his movements and turned around towards me, and in that moment when his eyes met mine I understood that I couldn't let him walk away again. Even after all he had done I still loved him. Even though I had told myself to hate him and to never think of him again a tiny part of me still went wild whenever I saw him.

I couldn't let that slip away from me.

I composed myself and took off running towards him, my sneakers sinking into the sand with each step I took. When I finally reached him I flung myself onto him, wrapping my arms around his neck as I pulled his face down to mine and pressed my lips to his.

Brad answered the kiss almost instantly and his arms went to my hips and pulled me closer to him.

My heart sped up and the memories of our first time her came to my mind again. I smiled into the kiss before I pulled back to rest my forehead against his. Our breaths got mixed with one another's as we gazed into each other's eyes.

"Don't think I've forgiven you just yet, you still have to earn my trust" I breathed out as he graced my bottom lip with the pad of his thumb.

"I'll spend ever waken hour trying to win your trust back" he responded and his eyes flickered up to met mine as his thumb slipped down to my chin. "Just tell me what to do and I'll do it"

"You could start by kissing me again" I said with a genuine smile gracing my lips.

Brad's smile matched mine as his hand went around to rest against the back of my head and he pulled my face close to his again, our lips meeting in a slow and loving kiss.


And we've reached the end of this fanfic. Thank you to everyone who thought it was worth reading, I appreciate every single one of you! Sending thousands of kisses to you all.

- Lina xx

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- Lina xx

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