Chapter 11

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[Brad's POV]

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[Brad's POV]

I placed my tray down atop of the table and sat down on the empty plastic chair next to James. Tris looked at me with his seemingly ever apparent smirk as he leaned back in his seat, folding his arms across his chest.

"So, how's it going with little Miss [Y/L/N]?" He asked as his gaze met mine.

I pressed my lips into a thin line and gripped tightly onto my fork. Tris chuckled lowly when I didn't respond to his question.

"Well, the boys and I are getting pretty bored. So we thought that we would give you a time limit to spice things up" he stated as he leaned forwards in his seat. "You have 2 weeks, if you haven't fulfilled the beat by then you owe us 200 pounds" his smirk widened as he finished the sentence.

My gaze traveled past Tris and to where I knew you were sitting with Zach a few tables away. You scooped some rice up onto your fork and smiled at something Zach said. But it was as if you felt me staring at you because you suddenly looked up and a smile spread across your lips as you tucked a H/C strand of hair behind your ear.

I quickly averted my gaze and looked over at Tris who sat across from me. "I-I" I stammered out but he cut me off before I had the chance to finish my sentence.

"Two weeks, Brad. Or are you thinking about giving up, then pay up" he said clearly amused as he arched an eyebrow.

I clenched my jaw in rage as I looked at him. "You're fucking sick!" I spat before I stood up abruptly, making my chair fall to the floor with a loud thud.

Tris chuckled at my sudden outburst as I stormed past him. "Two weeks, Brad" he called after me as his laughter filled the cafeteria.

❁ ❁ ❁

[Your POV]

I looked at Zach in confusion as Brad barged out through the cafeteria doors and Tris' laughter filled the room.

"I'll meet you at biology later" I said to him before I grabbed my backpack from off the table and headed out the door.

I walked through the hallway when I could suddenly hear the sound of something breaking inside one of the classrooms down the hall.

I quickly ran up to the classroom the noise was coming from and swung the door open, only to reveal Brad standing in the middle of the classroom with his back turned towards me. His hands were curling into tight fists and the pieces of what once was a vase decorated the classroom floor.

I stepped in over the threshold and quietly closed the classroom door behind me before I took a step towards him. "Brad, are you alright?" I asked gently as I stepped over the tulips that lay scattered across the floor.

Brad's shoulders began to shake when he heard my voice and quiet sobs soon filled the room.

"Brad" I breathed out and ran up to him.

I turned him around so that he would face me and his tear filled eyes met mine as his body trembled beneath my touch.

"I-I'm no g-good for you" he stammered out as he backed away from me.

I stared at him in confusion as I took a step towards him to close the gap he had created. "What are you talking about?" I asked as I reached out to touch him, but he backed away again. My hands fell down to my side as a hurt expression replaced the confused one that had previously painted my features.

"You shouldn't be with me, [Y/N]. I'm no good for you. You're so innocent and pure, and I'm an awful and horrible person who doesn't deserve your love" he whispered the words as a tear slid down his cheek.

"Brad, don't say that" I whispered, my voice trembling as I stared at the devastated boy standing in front of me.

I closed the gap between us with a step and brought my arms up to cradle his face in my hands. I wiped the tears that slipped out past his eyes away with the pad of my thumbs. My heart ached as I stared into his brown eyes that showed such vulnerability.

I had no idea what had happened to make him feel this way, and it broke me that he thought I was too good for him. Couldn't he see that I wasn't perfect, that I had my flaws just like everybody else. If anyone was prefect, it was him. Because he made me feel things no one else had ever made me feel before.

"I don't deserve you" Brad mumbled as he leaned into my touch.

"Don't be ridiculous" I pressed as I gazed into those brown eyes of his that I had come to love.
"Brad, please don't say such things. I love you for goodness sake so if there's someone here that doesn't deserve the other it's me! I don't deserve you" I said as tears welled over in my eyes as well.

Brad's eyes widened and he stared at me in shock. "You love me?" He asked as his brown gaze searched mine.

"I do" I assured him as a smile uplifted my lips.

Brad quickly closed the gap between us with his lips and took my breath away from me. I smiled into the kiss as I wrapped my arms around his neck and threaded my hands through his soft curls.

Brad's hands found their way to my hips and he pulled me flush against his chest so that our bodies were pressed up against one another's. I parted my lips from his to catch my breath and rested my forehead against his.

Brad smiled and pecked my lips. "Good, because I love you, too" he mumbled against my lips before his found mine again.

I'm so so sorry for not uploading this part last Wednesday like I always do, I have just been so busy with school and I had a bunch of tests this week so I just didn't have the time to even go on wattpad. But it's finally up, better late than never right? (:

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