Chapter 17

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[Brad's POV]

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[Brad's POV]

As soon as class was dismissed you jumped up from your seat behind the desk and rushed out through the classroom door before I had the chance to even stand up, let alone stop you.

I quickly scrambled to my feet and collected my books before I pushed past the students that lingered by the door as I tried to keep up with you. I squeezed past two guys talking and my eyes darted across the hallway as I looked for you.

I sighed and lowered my gaze to my feet when I realised that you had gotten away.

[Your POV]

I came to a halt when I reached Zach who stood waiting for me by my locker, his backpack slung over his shoulder and his attention focused on something he was looking at on his phone.

He looked up however when I roughly pushed my textbooks into my locker and kicked the locker next to mine in frustration when I dropped my pencil case.

Tears threatened to well over in my eyes and my posture slumped as I rested forehead against the cold metal of the locker door.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Zach asked as he closed the door to my locker and leaned his shoulder against it so that he could get a better view of my face.

"I can't do it, Zach. I-I sat next to him in class and everything just came back. Every emotion, every memory, all the times he looked at me with what I thought was love. I-I just can't take it" I stammered out as I hopelessly tried to keep myself from falling apart.

It felt as if though my heart was breaking all over again, and I could do nothing to stop it. I pressed a hand to cover my mouth as a low whimper fell from my lips. Tears slipped out through my eyes and down my flushed cheeks. My lower lip began to quiver under my hand and my shoulders began to shake as my body was wrecked with wave after wave of sobs.

Zach immediately pulled me into him and wrapped his long arms around my figure in a comforting manner. I squeezed my eyes closed and rested my forehead against his shoulder, tears spilling from my eyes in an endless stream as images of the curly haired brunette I couldn't stop thinking about filled my mind.

❁ ❁ ❁

[Brad's POV]

My features twisted into a frown when the sound of someone sobbing reached my ears. I turned the corner that led to the lockers and froze in my steps when I set eyes on you in Zach's arms, your face buried in his shoulder as your body trembled due to the violent sobs that escaped past your lips and shook your body.

My heart ached and I stood like paralysed, unable to take my eyes off of you. To think that I was the reason for your broken heart was too much for me to bear, and I couldn't stop beating myself down over it. I had been right all along, you were too good for me, to pure. And I was a monster for breaking your heart and brining tears to your eyes.

I was pulled out from my thoughts when your voice that was raspy and hoarse because of all the sobs that had slipped past your lips reached my ears.

"I-I hate him. I wish t-that I never would've f-fallen for him. I don't want to l-love him anymore. I-it hurts too much, Zach"

Even though I stood quite a bit away from you and Zach I could hear the words you stammered out in between sobs perfectly clear.

I swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat and lowered my head in shame as your words went on repeat in my head. To hear you say those words made me realise just how much of a dick I had been for playing you like that. Me falling for you in the process didn't justify the fact that I had still planned to do such a horrible thing.

I quickly turned on my heel and rushed down the hallway as I tried to suppress the tears forming in my eyes from welling over.

I have a very important oral presentation on Friday that will determine 20% of my final grade, and I'm so goddamn nervous. I'm supposed to be speaking for about 10 minutes and I can hardly speak in front of the class for just a minute.

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