Chapter 16

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I inhaled deeply and stared at the door leading into the very last place I wanted to be

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I inhaled deeply and stared at the door leading into the very last place I wanted to be. I looked over at Zach who sat behind the wheel, gazing out at the school building and all the students scattered across the parking lot.

He turned his face to look at me when he felt me looking at him, and our eyes met for a brief moment before something in the corner of my eyes caught my attention. I turned to look out through the car window and my heart crumbled when I set eyes upon his figure.

A smile painted his handsome features and he ran a hand through his brown curls as he said something to Connor who walked by his side.

My eyes watered as I followed his path across the parking lot until his figure walked through the doors leading into the school building. I turned to look at Zach again as I sniffled and furiously tried to blink the tears building up in my eyes away.

"We don't have to go you know, we can skip and go eat cupcakes and ice cream instead" he said as his concerned gaze settled upon my slumped figure.

"No, it's fine. I can't let this get in the way of school. I have to go back sometime so why not now?" I said as I pushed a strand of H/C hair behind my ear. "I'm fine, Zach. I promise" I quickly added when the brunette opened his mouth to protest.

I grabbed my backpack from where it was placed in between my legs and opened the passenger door. I quickly jumped out and closed the door behind me before I had the chance to change my mind.

❁ ❁ ❁

I parted ways with Zach once we had grabbed our books from our lockers. I gave him a quick hug before I made my way towards math as he made his to Latin.

When I reached the end of the hallway I stepped into the almost deserted classroom. Only a handful of students sat scattered across the room either typing away on their phones or desperately trying to finish the assigned homework before class began.

I clutched the books in my arms to my chest as I walked up to an empty desk in the far back. I sunk down on the uncomfortable wooden chair and made myself as comfortable as I could. I fixed my gaze on the clock above the door and followed the minute hand as it moved slowly.

Students piled onto the classroom by each minute that passed and soon almost every seat but the one next to me was taken, because they all assumed Brad would be the one sit there next to me like he always did. Apparently word about our break up hadn't spread as fast as I thought it would've.

I anxiously tapped my finger against the wooden desk as I stared at the minute hand that seemed to move slower than ever. But he never showed, and when the minute hand finally reached number 12 and Mr. Holmes stepped in through the door and began to close it a sigh of relief escaped past my lips.

A smile etched itself onto my face, he wasn't going to show up. He probably decided to skip class with James who also had math with us. But just as the door was about to close behind Mr. Holmes he rushed in with James by his side, his brown curls dancing around as he came to a halt, and my smile immediately vanished.

"Late as always are we, Mr. Simpson and Mr. McVey" Mr. Holmes said as he eyed them both while slowly shaking his head.

"We're very sorry, Mr. Holmes. It won't happen again" James breathed out as he tried to catch his breath.

Brad's gaze slowly shifted to look around the classroom and his brown eyes widened slightly in surprise when they landed upon me sitting by our usual seats. I quickly looked away from him and turned my gaze to Mr. Holmes instead.

"Very well, take your seats so that we can begin" Mr. Holmes announced before he turned around and walked up to the white board.

James quickly hurried over to the empty seat by the window where he usually sat, and I cursed under my breath when I realised that the last available seat was the one next to me.

I turned to face the whiteboard as Brad sat down by the desk next to mine. I balled my hands into fists in my lap as I tried to concentrate on the equation Mr. Holmes wrote on the whiteboard, but it was almost impossible when I could feel Brad looking at me.


Ignored his comment as my eyes remained glued to the whiteboard.

"[Y/N], I-"

"Shut up! I don't want to hear your excuses, Brad. You broke my fucking heart and all you say is 'Hi'? What is wrong with you?" I hissed in a whisper as I whipped around to face the brunette.

My heart ached as soon as I looked at him and stared into his brown eyes that I used to love staring into and get lost in. Those brown eyes that usually radiated warmth and happiness, but now looked tired, sad and helpless.

"[Y/N], please. Just let me-"

"Brad, don't. I can't take anymore, and you trying to make up for it will only make it worse. So please, just don't" I whispered as my voice began to waver.

Brad opened his mouth to speak yet again but closed it when he saw the pleading look in my eyes.

I slowly turned back around to look at the whiteboard as I clasped my hands together in my lap under the desk, trying to desperately stop them from shaking so violently as tears welled up in my eyes.

Ahhhh, I don't know what to do! I just got asked out on what I think is a date by a guy that used to go to one of my best friends school. I am so awkward when it comes to getting to know new people, and especially when it comes to dates. Thankfully I have like a week to decide on what to do since I told him I'm busy this weekend.

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