Chapter 14

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"I have tried calling and texting him, but he won't answer

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"I have tried calling and texting him, but he won't answer. It's like he's ignoring me, Zach" I said sadly as Zach and I walked through the hallway to get to our lockers.

"I don't think he is. I'm sure he's just busy" Zach said and flashed me a reassuring smile as I glanced up at him.

"I don't know" I mumbled. "I mean, he was gone when I woke up, isn't that odd?" I asked as I knitted my eyebrows together in deep thought.

Zach looked past me and a smile appeared on his lips. "Looks like you can ask him yourself" he stated.

"What?" I asked confused as I looked in front of me.

The lump in my stomach immediately faded away when I saw those familiar brown curls by the lockers. I jogged over to where he was standing and was just about to call his name when Tris' words made me stop dead in my tracks.

[Brad's POV]

"So you actually did it? You slept with her?" Tris asked as the infamous grin appeared upon his lips.

He nodded his head in approval as he reached his hand back and pulled a bunch of bills out from his back pocket. He held the money out towards me.

"I don't want it" I stated simply as I shook my head.

"Oh, c'mon Brad. You won the bet, you slept with her, now claim your reward" Tris encouraged as he trusted the money into my hand.

A sudden gasp sounded from behind me and I instantly spun around fearing the worst. My eyes met your tear filled ones and something inside of me broke when I saw you looking so heartbroken.

"I-I thought.." you began but stopped short as you clasped a hand over your mouth.

"[Y/N], it's not what it looks li-" I began but before I had the chance to finish my sentence you turned your back to me and rushed down the hallway.

I whipped around towards Tris and threw the money at his face in rage. "Keep your stupid money, I don't want them!" I spat before I turned around and dashed after you.

You threw a glance at me from over your shoulder when you heard me call out your name. Your E/C eyes met mine for a brief second before you turned back around and disappeared around a corner.

❁ ❁ ❁

[Your POV]

I tried to suppress the sobs that slipped past my lips as I slid down the wall. My breath hitched in my throat and my cheeks itched from all the dried out tears that had fallen from my eyes. I furiously brushed the tears that slipped past my eyes away, but they just kept on coming in an seemingly endless stream.

The door to the classroom cracked open behind me and I could hear it closing with a soft click. Soon after I heard the sound of footsteps approaching my hiding spot behind the teachers desk.


More tears immediately welled up in my eyes when I heard his voice. Brad crouched down in front of me and gently placed a finger under my chin and tilted my head up.

"I-I thought what we had was real" I stammered out as my E/C eyes met his brown ones.

"It was, it still is. I love you [Y/N]-"

"You don't know what love is and you never will" I cut him off as I stared at him in utter disgust.

"Please, just hear me out. I know what I did was beyond idiotic, and I regret it more than you could ever imagine. I never intended to fall for you, [Y/N]. But I did fall for you, and I fell hard"

"You took a bet! You agreed to make me sleep with you for money!" I cried out as I slapped his hand away from my face. "I sure hope the money was worth it. I sure hope it was worth breaking my heart for" I said lowering my voice as a steady flow of tears streamed down my already tearstained face.

"[Y/N], I-"

"Please just leave. I hate you, Brad and I never want to see your face ever again" I whispered as I gazed into his brown eyes that were clouded with regret, shame and what seemed to be sorrow.

Brad's eyes welled over with tears when he heard my words and he reached a hand out to touch me, but I flinched and quickly lowered my gaze.

"You broke my heart Brad and I hate you with all my being for it" I said all the while keeping my face fixated upon my shoes.

I could hear his heavy breathing in the silence that followed. It almost sounded as if he was fighting back tears. I could feel him staring at me but I refused to look up at him, and soon after he gave up and stood up. He walked over to the door and closed it quietly behind him as he left.

I unleashed a scream full of pain as I collapsed onto the cold floor and cried my heart out. I pressed my cheek flat against the floor and squeezed my eyes shut as tears slipped past my eyes and down onto the floor.

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