Chapter 10

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Brad's eyes widened as he eyed me up and down

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Brad's eyes widened as he eyed me up and down. "Wow, eh, I mean, hi" he stammered out as he stared at me as if he was in awe.

"Hi" I said as I could feel a blush creep upon my cheeks, suddenly feeling shy under his stare.

"You look stunning" he stated shooting me an award winning smile.

"Oh, thank you" I mumbled as I looked down at my feet.

"Should we go then?" Brad suddenly asked and I shot my head up to look at him as he stepped aside.

I nodded with a smile painting my lips before I stepped out and closed the door behind me.

❁ ❁ ❁

Laughter and screams were heard when we arrived at the carnival. I intertwined my hand with Brad's without really thinking too much about it as I gazed up at the entrance. I could feel Brad give my hand a squeeze and I blushed slightly when I realized what I had done. But neither one of us pulled away.

I glanced down at our hands when I could suddenly feel Brad tug at my hand and pull me with him trough the entrance and towards the scariest looking ride. My eyes widened as I gazed up at it and the multiple loops it had.

Brad looked down at me and gave my hand a reassuring squeeze and I shifted my gaze to look at him. "We don't have to go on it if you don't want to" he said and smiled.

A grin immediately appeared upon my lips. There was no way I would back down from a challenge just because he thought I was scared.
"Oh, believe me. I want to" I declared before I pulled him with me towards the cue.

After a short 5 minute wait we were finally at the front of the line. Brad climbed into the roller coaster car that was connected to the train. I joined him and pulled the over-the-shoulder restraint down so that I was locked into the car and had no chance of getting out.

I gripped onto the handles by my shoulders and looked over at him. Brad had a huge smirk written across his face but I could see the fear he felt reflecting in his brown eyes. Who was the scared one now?

The countdown began and the other passengers whispers fizzled out as the robotic voice counted down. The countdown soon reached one and the ride took off as screams of both excitement and fear filled the air.

❁ ❁ ❁

"That. Was. EPIC!" I exclaimed as Brad intertwined our hands.

We had just gotten off the ride and my adrenaline had yet to settle. Brad chuckled lowly as he shook his head.

I swayed our hands back and forth as we strolled around with no particular destination in mind. "What do you want to do?" I asked and glanced up at him.

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