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I quickly ran upstairs to my shared room with jimin. I open the door and jimin hyung was hearing 'FAKE LOVE' by BTS.

"Hyung...hyung!" I shake him and he lowers the volumes and faced me.

"Hyung there was a ring on the door bell but there but there this note say 'Please take care of my twin brother' " as i handed the note to jimin hyung.

"Twin Brother? Is it or they just send this to the wrong house?" I shook my head.

Jimin sigh.

After awhile thinking on who was the note from and to whom.


I shoot up from my bed. Jimin also heard it so he shoot up from his chair and start walking to the door slowly.

I ask jimin hyung to be careful.

Jimin's POV

(At last jimin's POV)

I walk to the door slowly and open med it.

Jungkook tell me to be careful and i just nodded.

I walk downstair and explore the area but theres nothing break here. I push the thought of there someone inside and get upstairs to our shared room.

Before getting in. I heard a sobbing sound on Y/n's room. I quickly went to his room and open his door.

I saw Y/n on the floor curl up while sobbing and and three picture frame on the floor with scattered glass.

I ran to Y/n and lift him on to his bed and called jungkook for somehelp.

Jungkook ran in the room and ran straight after what happen to Y/n.

Y/n's POV

~In dreamland (nightmare)~

Its was black like always but then many people serrounded me and keep sayin things that hurt my heart.




No one likes you


Kill yourself

This world will be at peace without you

You begin to close your ear and sobs


"Oh but you did something stupid before? Dont you remember?" Dark Y/n said.

My eyes widened and remember the times i do stupid things.

I begin to be out of control and and scream.

~The end~

I shoot up from bed and started crying in a low tone. I began to check my serrounding and saw a picture on a table near me and throw it on the floor and started crying in a medium tone and and began to fall down.

I curl up and began crying/sobbing loudly.

Why is my life like this?

Why do i have to experience this?

Why do i must be bullied?

After a 1 min the door shoot open and jimin hyung was there and ran to me and carried me to my bed.

Jimin hyung called jungkook hyung for some help. I was still crying non-stop.

Jungkook hyung ran to my room and ran straight to me. He hug me and conforted me.

I begin to calm down bit i cant all the pain inside me.

"H-hyung w-why am i a-always been bullied?" I sob out and my head began to hurt but still okay.

Jimin hyung was shook but jungkook hyung not really because he know what i did to myself.

"Y/n do you mean you were push by someone?" Jimin hyung ask and I nodded.

"Who would do such thing?" Jungkook hyung started carresed me and waiting for my answer.

"Its was 5 girls but i-i dont know their name. But i r-recognize one of the girl that push me, i t-think she has a relationship with jimin hyung" Jimin hyung is jungshook at the sentence i said.

And it was a awkward silence.

---To be continued---

Sorry for a bad chapter.


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