11- The Nightmare Before Christmas

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Cedric Diggory sat in the kitchen of number twelve Grimmauld Place surrounded by a panicky Weasley family and Harry.

"Well he's got to be there. Tonight was his night for guard!" Shouted Mrs. Weasley as she was on the fellyfone with Kingsley Shacklebolt. "I'm yelling because my husband was attacked by a snake and is laying in the middle of the Department of Mysteries, gravely injured, and nobody seems to want to help him!" There was a pause. Then Mrs. Weasley sighed in what seemed to be relief.

"Everyone, everyone, they've found him. They're taking him to St. Mungo's now. Be prepared to see him within the next couple days," she said. The family all sighed and hugged each other before going up to their bedrooms to sleep. It was nearly midnight, and Cedric, Harry, and the Weasleys were all extremely exhausted from worry. It had been a long night, and Cedric was thankful for falling asleep right as his head hit his pillow.

The misty graveyard was quiet and cold. Cedric had been here before, and remembered it from the triwizard tournament the year before. He shivered with the memory of his near death experience. Cedric's dream self was forced to walk towards a bubbling cauldron in the middle of the field by his conscience. The liquid in the cauldron was blood red before Cedric cut off his own arm. Cedric cried in agony as it plopped into the cauldron and the liquid disappeared, leaving nothing but a crouched skeleton-like man, pale and nude.

"Robe me," the man croaked. Cedric was forced to grab a cloak from the ground and attempted to drape it over the man with his one arm. He cried as the cloak whipped over his open wound, leaving a long sting of pain. The man grunted and turned to face him, exposing his naked front to Cedric. "You're completely useless," he growled as he grabbed his wand. "Avada kevadra!"

Cedric woke up with a jolt. Though he had soaked his clothes and bedsheets in hot sweat, Cedric was extremely cold. He scrunched his eyes closed as his bedroom was filled with light when Sirius opened the door.

"You alright, Ced?" Sirius asked.

"No," Cedric replied in a whisper.

"Come, come. You can tell me about it over some cocoa. Let's go," Sirius ushered Cedric out of the bedroom and down to the kitchen. When they got there, they saw that Harry was also there, with three cups of cocoa already prepared.

Cedric forcefully grinned at Sirius. "I knew you'd have one tonight, with Harry back to remind you. And Harry just so happened to have one before you," Sirius replied.

"Well, I bet mine was worse than yours," Cedric said.

"How so?" Asked Harry.

"My last sight before I died was Voldemort's crotch."

The morning of December the eighteenth, Cedric woke up anxious. Hermione was coming home today! He grabbed a new pyjama shirt and went downstairs to greet the Weasley family properly.

The kitchen was crowded and loud and quite frankly, it bumped up Cedric's anxiety level, though nobody seemed to notice. He sat down in between George and Bill, who had come down from work to be with his family during their rough time.

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