17- "You Don't Need It!"

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Hermione's morning was not going the way she had planned. She woke up after having dreamt of Malfoy stealing her homework and handing it in under his name, and it made her furious. She reached to her bedside to find that her Beautification potion was empty, and one of her favourite pairs of socks had a hole in them.

She let out a sigh of displeasure before throwing back her bedsheets and stepping out of bed, barely trying to keep quiet, even though her roommates were still sleeping. Stumbling towards her wardrobe, she found a maroon jumper that Mrs. Weasley had knitted for her the year before, and threw it on along with a pair of old, battered jeans. It was finally the Hogsmede weekend for March.

Making her way down to the Great Hall, Hermione bumped into Luna in the corridor, who also seemed to be on her way to breakfast.

"Hello Hermione," She said with a warm smile.

Hermione simply grunted in return. She was not in the mood for a conversation before she had eaten her breakfast. Luna seemed to get the message, and the two of them walked together in silence until they reached the Great Hall and parted ways to their separate tables with a simple nod at each other.

Hermione scowled at the reflection in her plate. Without her potion, she could already see and feel her face starting to break out again. Harry and Ginny sat down across from Hermione and started shovelling porridge into their bowls before greeting her.

"What's wrong, Hermione?" Harry Asked as he noticed her staring at herself for what seemed to be forever.

"Nothing, I just ran out of my Beautification potion this morning," she said with a sad tone in her voice.

"Mione, you know you don't even need that potion! You're so pretty!" Ginny exclaimed.

"I don't know," Hermione replied. "It's just that... without Cedric around-"

"You don't need Cedric around to feel beautiful!" Ginny exclaimed. "You just need to accept that you are the prettiest girl in the entire school!"

A few Ravenclaw girls in the year above them glared at the three of them. "I think Cho's prettier," one of them snarled, and they continued walking. Harry smiled to himself.

Hermione grunted and stood up. "I'm not hungry," she said before walking out of the Great Hall and towards the Black Lake exit. She could hear Ginny scorning Harry from the corridor.

When she got to the tree that she and Cedric used to sit at, she noticed that her usual spot was taken. "Hey Ian," She said glumly.

"Hey Mia. How're you doing?" He asked.

Hermione sighed. "Not too great, if I'm being honest."

"What's up?"

"Just... missing Cedric," she admitted.

"Well, Easter break is in a few weeks, are you going to visit him?" He asked.

"Yes," she smiled. Then she realized something: Ian hadn't seen Cedric since summer, he had been comforting Hermione nearly all year, but not once had she invited him back to Grimmauld Place.


"Yes Mia?"

"Do you want to come? To see him, I mean. You could stay with us during the break," she suggested.

"You mean- do I want to see my best friend? Of course! Hermione you have no idea how much I miss him!" He grinned widely. Hermione smiled back.


Hermione and Ian stepped into Honeydukes Sweets shop and grinned at each other. They were making an Easter basket for Cedric for their visit.

"We obviously have to get him some Liquorice Wands and some Fizzing Whizbees, they're his favourite," Hermione said.

"And some chocolate frogs! I don't know if he told you, but he has a very large collection of Chocolate Frog cards," Ian laughed. Hermione giggled.

"Does he really? I'm definitely going to have to make fun of him for that," she laughed.

"Oh, but don't tell him I told you," he said. "He was pretty stern about us not telling you... He might've threatened to hex our eyes out."

"Alrighty," Hermione laughed. She somehow didn't find it hard at all to imagine Cedric in a room filled with hundreds of Chocolate Frog cards.

"What else should we get him?" Ian Asked.

"Definitely a new jumper. He's always ruining his from-" Hermione stopped herself before revealing that Cedric was an illegal animagus in a whole shop filled with people.

"From what?" Ian Asked.

"I'll tell you later," she smiled. Ian smiled back with a raised eyebrow, somewhat confused

It not until Hermione and Ian had passed the potions shop when Hermione remembered that she had run out of Beautification potion. She stopped what she was doing and pushed all of her shopping bags into Ian's arms and rushed into the shop, all the way to the cosmetics section. Passing by the hair growth potion and the scar healing potion, Hermione finally reached the Beautification potions. She grabbed three bottles and brought them to the cashier, who gave her a weird look, then took them outside back to Ian, who looked disappointed.

"What?" She Asked.

"Did you get more Beautification potion?" He asked. "You know you don't need that stuff, Mia."

"Oh my goodness, Ginny told you, didn't she?"

"She did, but it wasn't hard to figure out. You were acting different, and you looked less natural. You were like a Barbie doll," he said.

Hermione sighed. "How do you know what a Barbie doll is?" She Asked.

"Well first my penpal, Jeff, from Ilvermorny told me, about them. His little cousin constantly played with them. He was suggesting that I should get one for my step sister Susan for her birthday, so I did. My mum doesn't like them, says they're setting too high of an expectation for little girls like Susan and her friends, I s'pose she's right. Susan's already trying to convince my mom to let her wear makeup. She's only nine, you know."

Now it was Hermione's turn to sigh. "I know that it's wrong, Ian, I know that! But I don't feel like myself without it, I just can't think, I've barely been able to get through today without snapping at everyone who talks to me! I look at myself in the mirror, and I want to cry because my skin isn't clear and my hair isn't shiny. It's like I can't function properly without it anymore." Tears started to fall from Hermione's eyes, and not the "I'm kinda sad," little streams. The big, thick, long tears that come with difficulty breathing that make your face twist up and your eyes close as you whine.

Ian pulled Hermione into his arms and she burrowed her head into his shoulder. Ian glared at the people who walked pass them and pointed or made comments.

"Wow, Cedric hasn't even been dead for a whole year and she's already moved on to shagging his best friend," they heard someone say. Hermione pushed herself off Ian and wiped her tears before whipping around to face the girl who said it. Marietta Edgecombe.

"You know what, Marietta? It's not my fault you're not good enough to last a week with Ian. Maybe if you had a brain that could actually function, you two would still be together. You don't need to be jealous of our FRIENDSHIP. You see, death of a loved one brings people together, strengthens their bond as friends, and Ian and I both loved Cedric! He was the love of my freaking life, so if you don't mind, I'd like to SOB IN PEACE!"

Marietta snarled at her before turning around. Her and her posse strutted away down to the three broomsticks.

"Damn," Ian said. "I really wanted to go in there."

Hermione laughed.

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