20- Truth Serums and Missions

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"Alright everyone, try again," Harry told the group of eager students. They pulled out their wands and shouted the incantation. Several whisps of silver emerged from their wands, and a couple students managed to produce silver animals, none of them, however, was Ginny. She had no idea why, her entire life was full of sunshine and making mud pies and playing quidditch with her brothers. This was about the tenth time that Ginny had attempted the Patronus charm, and she was ready to give up when a loud bang was heard from outside the room of requirement. The students stopped attempting to perform the charm when the room started shaking.

"Everyone, stay calm, and get to this side of the room, I think someone's trying to break in," Harry told them.

"Who is it?" someone asked.

"My guess is Umbridge," Harry replied.

"Well can't we just get out through another door?" Asked Cho Chang.

"No, we cannot, you blithering idiot! Now that Umbridge knows we're in here, she probably has every wall on the seventh floor guarded with her bloody Inquisitorial Squad just to make sure we can't escape," Ginny spat. "Honestly, how daft can you get?" She sighed. Ginny was stressed; Hermione still hadn't returned from her meeting with Umbridge three hours prior.

Cho scowled at her as Harry gave a disapproving look. "Gin, take it easy on her, she's in shock," he whispered.

Ginny rolled her eyes. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure everybody in the room is in shock, Harry. She's just the only one who had the audacity to speak out and ask a completely useless and incompetent question."

"Ginny! Now is not the time," Harry said through his teeth as he ushered her into the corner along with the other students.

The door to the room of requirements started to crack as more and more spells hit it from the outside, and chunks of it started flying everywhere. The students shielded their faces with their hands, but many kept their wands in front of them, prepared to fight Professor Umbridge if it came down to that.

The doors finally broke, and Professor Umbridge stood in the archway of the shattered doorframe, with Filch and Marietta Edgecombe, forehead covered in blemishes and cheeks stained with tears, standing by her side.

The professor cleared her throat before placing her hand out in a not-so-welcoming manner. "Now, if you would all follow me, we will discuss your punishment in my office. After all, misbehaving children are deserving of disciplinary actions." Umbridge's high pitched voice sounded horrifyingly nice, which terrified the group of students, who were still huddled together in a corner.

When the students didn't move, Umbridge made a handmotion to someone beyond their view of the corridor, and the entire Inquisitorial Squad entered the room, each member seizing at least one student, and started forcefully pulling them out into the corridor, and towards Professor Umbridge's office.

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